Søk: 'Financial Innovation'
Cultural politics in a global age: uncertainty, solidarity and innovation
ISBN 9781851685400 , 2008 , Henrietta L. Moore, David Held
Modeling Financial Time Series with S-Plus
ISBN 9780387955490 , 2002 , Eric Zivot, Jiahui Wang
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
ISBN 9780307887894 , 2011 , Eric Ries
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market, and Organizational Change
ISBN 9780471496151 , 2001 , Joe Tidd, John Bessant
Chaos Theory in the Financial Markets
ISBN 9781557385550 , 1994 , Dimitris N. Chorafas, Robert L. Trippi
Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Second Edition
ISBN 9780230205826 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Keith Goffin, Rick Mitchell
Balancing the Banks: Global Lessons from the Financial Crisis
ISBN 9780691145235 , 2010 , Jean Tirole, Mathias Dewatripont,m.fl.
Innovation Nation: How America Is Losing Its Innovation Edge, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do to Get It Back
ISBN 9781416532682 , 2008 , John J. Kao
Practical Financial Optimization: A Library of GAMS Models
ISBN 9781405133715 , 2009 , Stavros A. Zenios, Andrea Consiglio,m.fl.
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services: 2001
ISBN 9780815701170 , 2001 , Brookings Institution,m.fl.
Economic and financial modeling with mathematica
ISBN 9783540978824 , 1993 , Hal R. Varian
Innovate the Future: A Radical New Approach to IT Innovation
ISBN 9780137055159 , 2010 , David Croslin
Amendment to FRS 25 Financial Instruments: Presentation Financial Instruments Puttable at Fair Value and Obligations Arising on Liquidation
ISBN 9781847981059 , 2008 , Accounting Standards Board (Great Britain)
Financial Accounting Theory: Its Nature and Development
ISBN 9781741030310 , 2003 , Scott Henderson, Graham Peirson, Kate Harris
Derivatives in Financial Markets with Stochastic Volatility
ISBN 9780521791632 , 2000 , George Papanicolaou, Jean-Pierre Fouque,m.fl.
Adaption-Innovation: In the Context of Diversity and Change
ISBN 9780415298513 , 2003 , M.J. Kirton
This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
ISBN 9781400831722 , 2009 , Kenneth S. Rogoff, Carmen M. Reinhart
Quantitative Financial Economics: Stocks, Bonds and Foreign Exchange
ISBN 9780470091722 , 2005 , Keith Cuthbertson, Dirk Nitzsche
Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New Innovation Landscape
ISBN 9781422104279 , 2006 , Henry W Chesbrough
Principles of Infinitesimal Stochastic and Financial Analysis
ISBN 9789810243586 , 2000 , Imme van den Berg
The Financial System in Nineteenth-Century Britain
ISBN 9780195150575 , 2002 , Mary Poovey
Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment
ISBN 9780714646305 , 1995 , Lars Erik Andreasen, Benjamin Coriat,m.fl.
Outlines and Highlights for Managing Innovation by Joe Tidd, Isbn: 9780470998106
ISBN 9781428885691 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Capital Budgeting Valuation: Financial Analysis for Today's Investment Projects
ISBN 9780470569504 , 2011 , Philip English, H. Kent Baker
Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization: Legal and Financial Materials
ISBN 9780781786980 , 2007 , C. Edward Collins, Mark J. Roe
Accounting And Financial Analysis In The Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780750678964 , 2005 , Jon Hales
Handbook of Finance, Volume I: Financial Markets and Instruments
ISBN 9780470078143 , 2008 , Frank J. Fabozzi
Group Support System for Managing the Front End of Innovation
ISBN 9783639084825 , 2008 , Kalle Elfvengreen
A Focused Issue on Understanding Growth: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Diversification
ISBN 9780762312115 , 2005 , Ron Sanchez, Aime Heene
Innovation happens elsewhere [electronic resource]: open source as business strategy
ISBN 9781558608894 , 2005 , Ron Goldman, Richard Paul Gabriel