Søk: 'Fotografering; Komposisjon, lyssetting, fototeknikk, tradisjonell og digital fotografering'
Digital Art Revolution: Creating Fine Art with Photoshop
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Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach
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Digital colour in graphic design
ISBN 9780080926742 , 1998 , Ken Pender
Lov og rett for næringslivet
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Freedom of Expression Revisted: Citzenship & Journalism in the Digital Era
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Collaborative Design and Planning for Digital Manufacturing
ISBN 9781849968348 , 2010
Digital and Radiographic Imaging: A Practical Approach
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Exploring Digital Design: Multi-Disciplinary Design Practices
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Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
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Relocating Television: Television in the Digital Context
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Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
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Lesikar's Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World
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Mellom makt og hjelp: om det flertydige forholdet mellom klient og hjelper
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Gyldendals tabeller og formler i fysikk: fysikk 1 og fysikk 2
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Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse
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The Essence of Digital Design
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Opphavsrett I En Digital Verden
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Livet i skolen: grunnbok i pedagogikk og elevkunnskap: undervisning og læring
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Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
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Analogue and Digital Communication
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Lighting for Film and Digital Cinematography
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Prosjektarbeid: utviklings- og endringskompetanse
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Arbeidsbok og casesamling til Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer
ISBN 9788245014464 , 2013 , Dag Ingvar Jacobsen, Jan Thorsvik
Collaborative Design and Planning for Digital Manufacturing
ISBN 9781848822863 , 2009
Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World
ISBN 9780136078401 , 2009 , Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider
Vitenskap, kunnskap og praksis: innføring i vitenskapsfilosofi for helse- og sosialfag
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Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction
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Management Information Systems: Managing The Digital Firm
ISBN 9780131538412 , 2006 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane Price Laudon
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