Søk: 'Franco-German Relations'
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice
ISBN 9780071140324 , 1996 , Dan Lattimore, Craig E. Aronoff, Otis W. Baskin
Blood Relations: Christian and Jew in The Merchant of Venice
ISBN 9780226006819 , 2008 , Janet Adelman
Strategic writing: multimedia writing for public relations, advertising and more
ISBN 9780205591626 , 2008 , Charles Marsh, David W. Guth, Bonnie Poovey Short
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: To 1920
ISBN 9780395938843 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
The Economic Factor in International Relations: A Brief Introduction:
ISBN 9781860646621 , 2001 , Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson
Of mind and matter: the duality of national identity in the German-Danish borderlands
ISBN 9781557535245 , 2009 , Peter Thaler
Studyguide for International Relations by Goldstein, ISBN 9780321195500: 0321195507
ISBN 9781428822504 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for International Relations by Goldstein, ISBN 9780321354747: 0321354745
ISBN 9781428825666 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich
ISBN 9780865274266 , 1998 , George L. (George Lachmann) Mosse
The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and Its Implications for the Study of World Politics (New International Relations)
ISBN 9780415776271 , 2010 , Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management
ISBN 9780805802276 , 1992 , James E. Grunig, David M. Dozier,m.fl.
Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations
ISBN 9780805804706 , 1992 , Elizabeth L. Toth, Robert Robert Lawrence Heath
Ethics In Public Relations: A Guide To Best Practice
ISBN 9780749442767 , 2004 , Patricia J. Parsons, Patricia Houlihan Parsons,m.fl.
Public Relations : An Emerging Specialised Profession-Text & Case Studies
ISBN 9788176294805 , 2004
Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations
ISBN 9780472068616 , 2004 , Detlef F. Sprinz, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias
War, Peace and International Relations: An Introduction to Strategic History
ISBN 9780415386395 , 2007 , Colin S. Gray
An Introduction to Spanish-American Literature
ISBN 9780521449236 , 1995 , Jean Franco
Dictionary of Drives and Mechatronics / Wrterbuch Antriebstechnik und Mechatronik: English-German, Deutsch-Englisch
ISBN 9783895782824 , 2007 , Thomas Antoni
The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations
ISBN 9780198782636 , 2001 , Steve Smith
A German women's movement: class and gender in Hanover, 1880-1933
ISBN 9780807845257 , 1995 , Nancy Ruth Reagin
A German women's movement: class and gender in Hanover, 1880-1933
ISBN 9780807822104 , 1995 , Nancy Ruth Reagin
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice
ISBN 9780697086310 , 1992 , Craig E. Aronoff, Otis W. Baskin
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333682135 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333919965 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Contending Theories of International Relations: A Comprehensive Survey
ISBN 9780321048318 , 2000 , James E. Dougherty, Dr Robert L Pfaltzgraff
Anglo-American Relations Since 1939: The Enduring Alliance
ISBN 9780719047794 , 1997
Studyguide for Essentials of International Relations by Karen A. Mingst, ISBN 9780393935295
ISBN 9781619050976 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The Nordic Countries and Africa: Old and New Relations
ISBN 9789171065056 , 2002 , Lennart Wohlgemuth
Conflict and cooperation: evolving theories of international relations
ISBN 9780155015005 , 1996 , Marc A. Genest
The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress: US-European Relations after Iraq
ISBN 9780521614085 , 2005 , David M. Andrews