Søk: 'Fundamentals of Strategy with MyStrategyLab and the Strategy Experience Simulation'
Improbable Scholars: The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America's Schools
ISBN 9780199987498 , 2013 , David L. Kirp
Blown to bits: how the new economics of information transforms strategy
ISBN 9780875848778 , 1999 , Thomas S. Wurster
Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1964
ISBN 9780198280125 , 1995
Fundamentals of Database Systems [With Access Code]
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Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (with CD-ROM and Infotrac) [With CDROM and Infotrac]
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Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780393976489 , 2002 , JOEL AUTOR WATSON
Harvard Business Review on Corporate Strategy
ISBN 9781578511426 , 1999 , Kenneth Lieberthal, David J. Collis,m.fl.
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice
ISBN 9781844800247 , 2005 , m.fl.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance with Connect Plus
ISBN 9781259418907
A Theory of Security Strategy for Our Time: Defensive Realism
ISBN 9780230623132 , 2010 , Shiping Tang
Fundamentals of Information Systems with CDROM
ISBN 9780619215606 , 2005 , Ralph M Stair, Jr., George Walter Reynolds
An American trade strategy: options for the 1990s
ISBN 9780815751793 , 1990 , Robert Z. Lawrence
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry: Strategy, Innovation and Performance
ISBN 9780415208093 , 1999 , Kim Hoque
The Pricing Strategy Audit: An In-Company Assessment to Help Create the Best Possible Pricing Strategy for Your Organization
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Fundamentals of Probability, with Stochastic Processes
ISBN 9780131453401 , 2004
Online Course Pack:Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition, 7th Edition:Text Only/Interpretive Simulations Discount Voucher/Companion Website with Gradetracker:SAC:Johnson Exploring Corporate Strategy
ISBN 9781405887472 , 2007 , 7. utgave , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts A Nd Cases
ISBN 9780071317009 , 2011 , III A. J. Strickland, Arthur A. Thompson Jr.,m.fl.
Hospitality 2005: A Human Resource Strategy
ISBN 9781870387682 , 1999 , CERT - The State Tourism Training Agency
Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade
ISBN 9780792390657 , 1990
Coal pricing in China: issues and reform strategy
ISBN 9780821319536 , 1991
Strategy in NATO: Preparing for an Imperfect World
ISBN 9781137382047 , 2014 , Liselotte Odgaard
Gsp Challenging Strategy Games J/C.
ISBN 9781901861600 , 1998 , MPC
Foreign Affairs Strategy: Logic for American Statecraft
ISBN 9780521871914 , 2007 , Terry L. Deibel
Britain's war in the Middle East: strategy and diplomacy, 1936-1942
ISBN 9780333645239 , 1999 , Martin Kolinsky
Deterministic Simulation of Arbitrary CT Measurements with Experimental Verification
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The fundamentals of production planning and control
ISBN 9780130176158 , 2006 , Stephen N. Chapman
Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 9/E, (with Ddb Needham Data Disk)
ISBN 9780072865493 , 2003 , 9. utgave , Roger J. Best, Del I. Hawkins, Kenneth A. Coney
Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts a Nd Cases
ISBN 9780070182608 , 2009 , III A. J. Strickland, Arthur A. Thompson Jr.,m.fl.
The Leadership Experience
ISBN 9780538468282 , 2010 , Richard L. Daft
Asset pricing and portfolio performance: models, strategy, and performance metrics
ISBN 9781899332366 , 1999 , Robert A. Korayczyk