Søk: 'Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis'
Play in Child Development and Psychotherapy: Toward Empirically Supported Practice
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Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals
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Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130415714 , 2002 , Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall
A Guide to Musical Analysis
ISBN 9780198165088 , 1994 , Nicholas Cook
A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis.
ISBN 9780321748249 , 2011 , Terry Sincich, William Mendenhall III
Si Power System Analysis And Design
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Survival and Event History Analysis: A Process Point of View
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Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis
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America on film: representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
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Music Groves: Essays and Dialogues
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Analysis of Genes and Genomes
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Quantitative Chemical Analysis
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Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
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Teen Television: Essays on Programming and Fandom
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A Primer for Benefit-cost Analysis
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A Web Tool For Crime Data Analysis: Data Analysis - A Machine Learning Algorithm Approach
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Financial Reporting and Analysis
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Systems Analysis and Design
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Numerical Analysis
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Studyguide for Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation by Edward Balleisen, ISBN 9780521118484
ISBN 9781428880740 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School
ISBN 9780335191239 , 1993 , Barrie Thorne
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Concealment and Exposure: An Other Essays
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Communication systems: analysis and design
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Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modeling
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Aero: essays
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Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series: Part a
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3 essays
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