Søk: 'Item Response Theory'
Theory - Theatre: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415254373 , 2002 , Mark Fortier
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781118526866 , 2014 , Peter T. Coleman, Eric C. Marcus
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9781133485704 , 2012 , Gareth Jones, Charles Hill
Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780691149219 , 2012 , Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain
Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781400840601 , 2012 , Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain
Migration theory: talking across disciplines
ISBN 9780415954273 , 2007
Ethical Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405133203 , 2007 , Russ Shafer-Landau
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761965473 , 2000 , Denis McQuail
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives
ISBN 9780199640379 , 2012 , Mary Jo Hatch
Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
ISBN 9781847885371 , 2009 , Kjetil Fallan
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9783540761976 , 1998 , Josephine Mary Jones, Gareth Aneurin Jones
Encyclopedia of Social Theory
ISBN 9780761926115 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Contemporary Theory of Conservation
ISBN 9780750662246 , 2004 , Salvador Munoz-Vinas
Foreign Operation Methods: Theory, Analysis, Strategy
ISBN 9781847209269 , 2008 , Lawrence S. Welch, Gabriel R.G. Benito,m.fl.
Persuasion: Theory & Research
ISBN 9780761922001 , 2002 , Daniel O'Keefe
Feminism and Linguistic Theory
ISBN 9780312083762 , 2003 , Deborah Cameron
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780195139952 , 2003 , Dominick Salvatore
A Course in Approximation Theory
ISBN 9780821847985 , 2009 , E. Elliott Ward Cheney, W. William Allan Light
Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780763750206 , 2009 , Elliott Ward Cheney, David Ronald Kincaid
Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management, Policy
ISBN 9780415314190 , 2005
Alternatives to Assimilation: The Response of Reform Judaism to American Culture, 1840-1930
ISBN 9780874517262 , 1994
Theory of science: a short introduction
ISBN 9788251921121 , 2006 , Jonathan Knowles
A Companion to Film Theory
ISBN 9780470998403 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415447997 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071225786 , 1999 , George Ritzer
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
ISBN 9780071316262 , 2012 , Scott K Powers, Edward T Howley, Ph.D.
Classical sociological theory
ISBN 9780070530171 , 1996 , George Ritzer
Sustainable Tourism: theory and practice
ISBN 9780750664387 , 2005 , David B. Weaver
The Literary in Theory
ISBN 9780804753739 , 2006
Environment and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415376167 , 2006 , John Barry