Søk: 'Lonely Planet Trekking in East Africa'
Jeffrey Hamm and Gavin Kennedy in East London, 1971
ISBN 9781899435517
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa
ISBN 9780415463898 , 2007 , Christopher B. Barrett, Peter Little,m.fl.
Huts and hikes in Jotunheimen 1: east
ISBN 9788202208813 , 2001 , Per Roger Lauritzen
Africa Yearbook
ISBN 9789004144620 , 2005 , Andreas Mehler, Henning Melber,m.fl.
Middle East
ISBN 9783828300972 , 1998 , Hallwag Verlag GmbH
Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems
ISBN 9781780325941 , 2013 , David Booth, Diana Cammack
Remotely Global: Village Modernity in West Africa
ISBN 9780226669694 , 1999 , Charles Piot
Economic Interdependence and Development in East Asia
ISBN 9780275955830 , 1997 , Hans C. Blomqvist
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393118261 , 2011 , Stephen Marshak
The Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415543729 , 2009 , Ilan Pappé
Lonely Planet: Guatamala, Belize and the Mexican States of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campecht, Yucatan and Quintana Roo
ISBN 9781741040159 , 2004 , Danny Palmerlee, Lucas Vidgen, Conner Gorry,m.fl.
History of Art in Africa, A (reprint)
ISBN 9780131918313 , 2005 , Monica Blackmun Visona, Michael D. Harris,m.fl.
Middle East, Tubed
ISBN 9780792281146 , 2008 , National Geographic Maps
Popular Culture and the State in East and Southeast Aasia
ISBN 9780415679695 , 2011
Football in Africa: Conflict, Conciliation and Community
ISBN 9780333919798 , 2004 , Gary Armstrong, Richard Giulianotti
Global shadows: Africa in the neoliberal world order
ISBN 9780822337058 , 2006 , James Ferguson
The Arab Uprisings Explained: New Contentious Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9780231158855 , 2014 , Marc Lynch
Industrial Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa
ISBN 9780195207842 , 1989 , Gerald M. Meier, William F. Steel
East London Claridge
ISBN 9780954399467 , 2007 , John Claridge
Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa
ISBN 9780230621008 , 2010 , Siri Gloppen, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella,m.fl.
Adr Client Strategies in the Middle East and Africa: Leading Lawyers on Assisting Multinational Companies in Adr Proceedings, Understanding Cultural Differences, and Developing Negotiation Tactics
ISBN 9780314909503 , 2009 , Multiple Authors, Multiple Contributors
Common Security and Civil Society in Africa
ISBN 9789171064509 , 2000 , Lennart Wohlgemuth, Stephan Klasen
A Guide to Eating Out in North East
ISBN 9780951109595 , 2005
South Africa
ISBN 9780751368789 , 2003 , Mariëlle Renssen, Michael Brett,m.fl.
When Things Fell Apart: State Failure in Late-Century Africa
ISBN 9780521715256 , 2008 , Robert H. Bates
West Africa
ISBN 9781740592499 , 2002 , Anthony Ham, Matt Fletcher, Mary Fitzpatrick,m.fl.
Middle East, Laminated
ISBN 9780792250227 , 2005 , National Geographic Maps
East of Nowhere
ISBN 9781843542988 , 2005 , Robert Chalmers
Remotely Global: Village Modernity in West Africa
ISBN 9780226669687 , 1999 , Charles Piot
Consuming Desires: Family Crisis and the State in the Middle East
ISBN 9780804761567 , 2010 , Frances Hasso