Søk: 'Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays, Concise Edition'
Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780521731928 , 2009 , Steven E. Lobell
Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780521517058 , 2009 , Steven E. Lobell
American Government: Power and Purpose
ISBN 9780393922462 , 2014 , Theodore J. Lowi, Stephen Ansolabehere
New Perspectives in American Politics
ISBN 9780887382802 , 2006 , Lucius J. Barker
Politics in the Developing World: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780631225560 , 2002 , Jeffrey Haynes
Chinese Foreign Policy: Pragmatism and Strategic Behavior
ISBN 9780765612854 , 2004 , Suisheng Zhao
Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
ISBN 9780072498516 , 2001 , Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue
Visual Rhetoric: A Reader in Communication and American Culture
ISBN 9781412949194 , 2008 , Cara A. Finnegan, Diane S. Hope
Foreign and domestic policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: trends and prospects
ISBN 9780333324783 , 1983 , Sharon L. Wolchik, Michael J. Sodaro
Against Interpretation and Other Essays
ISBN 9780141190068 , 2009 , Susan Sontag
Politicising parenthood in Scandinavia: gender relations in welfare states
ISBN 9781861346469 , 2006 , Anne Lise Ellingsæter, Arnlaug Leira
Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems
ISBN 9781780325941 , 2013 , David Booth, Diana Cammack
Money, medicine, and malpractice in American society
ISBN 9780275939526 , 1992
Action, Ability and Health: Essays in the Philosphy of Action and Welfare
ISBN 9789048154128 , 2010 , L.Y Nordenfelt
Music Grooves: Essays And Dialogues
ISBN 9781587364129 , 2005 , Charles Keil, Steven Feld
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415822022 , 2013
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise
ISBN 9780262026451 , 2008 , Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen
American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of the Cold War
ISBN 9780333800515 , 2001
2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics
ISBN 9780070380318 , 1990 , Seymour Lipschutz
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Boyce Elementary Differential Equations 10th Edition and Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems 8th Edition
ISBN 9780470458334 , 2013 , 10. utgave , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life: A Concise Introduction and Research Guide
ISBN 9781859737989 , 2004 , Leslie Haddon
Sedra/Smith Package #3: Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth Edition; Kc's Problems and Solutions; And Laboratory Explorations
ISBN 9780195221381 , 2004 , 5. utgave , Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
A Collection of Problems in Mathematical Physics
ISBN 9780486658063 , 2003 , Boris Mikha?lovich Budak,m.fl.
Renegotiating Local Values: Working Women and Foreign Industry in Malaysia
ISBN 9780700702800 , 1993 , Ragnhild Lund, Merete Lie
European Integration and Industrial Relations
ISBN 9780230504103 , 2004 , Paul Marginson, Keith Sisson
American Photographs in Europe
ISBN 9789053833049 , 1994 , Mick Gidley
Volatility and Time Series Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Robert Engle
ISBN 9780199549498 , 2010 , Mark W. Watson, Tim Bollerslev, Jeffrey Russell
Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780273646464 , 2001
American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume I
ISBN 9781428046320 , 2006
American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume I
ISBN 9781428046313 , 2006