Søk: 'Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration'
Digital Principles and Design
ISBN 9780072551327 , 2002 , Donald D. Givone
Digital Principles and Design
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Pipe Drafting and Design
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Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
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Presentation Zen Design: Simple Design Principles and Techniques to Enhance Your Presentations
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Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
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Albania and the European Union: The Tumultuous Journey Towards Integration and Accession
ISBN 9781845113087 , 2007
AS GCE Media: Communication and Production Student Book (Edexcel)
ISBN 9780435471576 , 2006 , Paul Baylis, Philip Holmes, Guy Starkey
The Production of Space
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Art and design 1
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Art and design 1
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Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union
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Production Management: Making Shows Happen
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Ship Knowledge: Ship Design, Construction and Operation
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Design and Analysis of Algorithms
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Algorithm Design
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Portfolio Design
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Den multikulturelle skole: integration og sortering
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Creative Intelligence: Toward Theoretic Integration
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Migration and European Integration: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion
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Research Design Explained
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Design and crime: and other diatribes
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Design and Use of Assistive Technology
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Organization Theory and Design
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An Integrated Approach in Production Planning and Scheduling
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Linear System Theory and Design: International Fourth Edition
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Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design
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Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials
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The complete film production handbook
ISBN 9780240804194 , 2001 , Eve Light Honthaner
Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration
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