Søk: 'Media, Gender and Identity'
Media Production
ISBN 9780335218844 , 2005
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466841 , 2006 , Narascha Gentz, Stefan Kramer
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466834 , 2006 , Stefan Kramer, Natascha Gentz
Formations of class and gender: becoming respectable
ISBN 9780761955115 , 1997 , Beverley Skeggs
Alternative Media
ISBN 9780761967712 , 2001
Media Firms: Structures, Operations, and Performance
ISBN 9780805841657 , 2002 , Robert G. Picard
Media Ownership: The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media
ISBN 9780761966814 , 2002 , Gillian Doyle
The American Musical and the Performance of Personal Identity
ISBN 9781400832682 , 2010
Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?
ISBN 9781847424655 , 2009 , Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
Spaces of Identity
ISBN 9780415095969 , 1995 , David Morley, Kevin Robins
Contextual Media: Multimedia and Interpretation
ISBN 9780262023832 , 1995 , Edward Barrett, Marie Redmond
America in Jerusalem: Globalization, National Identity, and Israeli Advertising
ISBN 9780739133255 , 2009 , ´Anat Firs?
Adolescent psychological development: rationality, morality, and identity
ISBN 9780805828573 , 1999 , David Moshman
Audio in Media
ISBN 9780538743624 , 2010
Convergence Media History
ISBN 9780203883433 , 2009 , Janet Staiger, Sabine Hake
Convergence Media History
ISBN 9780415996617 , 2009 , Sabine Hake, Janet Kay Staiger
Technologies of inclusion: gender in the information society
ISBN 9788251928465 , 2011 , Knut Holtan Sørensen, Wendy Faulkner, Els Rommes
How Australia Decides: Election Reporting and the Media
ISBN 9780521147071 , 2010 , Sally Young
The Media Reader: Continuity and Transformation
ISBN 9780761962502 , 1999 , Tim O'Sullivan, Hugh Mackay
Key Words in Religion, Media and Culture
ISBN 9780415448635 , 2008 , David Morgan
Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780745628295 , 2003 , David Buckingham
An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon
ISBN 9780691124216 , 2006 , Lara Deeb
Visual Authorship: Creativity and Intentionality in Media (Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2004)
ISBN 9788763501286 , 2004 , Torben Grodal, Bente Larsen,m.fl.
The New Media Reader
ISBN 9780262232272 , 2003 , Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort
Audio in Media
ISBN 9780495095682 , 2007
Gender in Latin America
ISBN 9781899365531 , 2002 , Sylvia Chant, Nikki Craske
Adolescent Identity Formation
ISBN 9780803946170 , 1992 , Thomas P. Gullotta, Gerald R. Adams,m.fl.
Media economics: concepts and issues
ISBN 9780803935013 , 1989 , Robert G. Picard
Media Law
ISBN 9780140247695 , 2002 , Andrew G. L. Nicol
Gendered Voices: Reflections on Gender and Education in South Africa and Sudan
ISBN 9789462091351 , 2012 , H B Holmarsdottir, A I Farag