Søk: 'Media and media policy in Germany: the press and broadcasting since 1945'
How to Do Media and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780761973294 , 2003 , Jane C. Stokes
Communication and Empire: Media, Markets, and Globalization, 1860–1930
ISBN 9780822339281 , 2007
Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical And Conceptual Innovations In Digital Domains
ISBN 9780262621922 , 2004 , Gunnar Liestøl, Terje Rasmussen, Andrew Morrison
Post-classical Hollywood: Film Industry, Style and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638581 , 2010 , Barry Langford
Sociology of the News Media
ISBN 9780393975130 , 2003 , Michael Schudson
The new media theory reader
ISBN 9780335217113 , 2006 , Robert Hassan, Julian Thomas
Media and Journalism: New Approaches to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195560459 , 2008 , Liz Tynan
Media Studies: The Essential Resource
ISBN 9780415291729 , 2003 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner, Stephen Kruger
Media studies: the essential resource
ISBN 9780415291736 , 2003 , Sarah Casey Benyahia, Peter Wall, Philip Rayner,m.fl.
Impacts and Influences: Essays on Media Power in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780416006124 , 1987 , James Curran, Anthony Smith, Pauline Wingate,m.fl.
Analysing Media Texts
ISBN 9780826464705 , 2003 , Andrew Burn, David Parker
Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and Social Movements
ISBN 9780415297844 , 2003 , Wim Van De Donk, Brian Loader, Dieter Rucht
Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and Social Movements
ISBN 9780415297851 , 2003 , Wim Van De Donk, Brian Loader, Dieter Rucht
Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industries and Concepts
ISBN 9780813821245 , 2002
Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era
ISBN 9780816680047 , 2013 , Jessica Pressman, Katherine Hayles
Media i samfunnet
ISBN 9788252154276 , 1999 , Ture Schwebs
As Media Studies
ISBN 9780748768400 , 2003 , John Price
Urban Planning Theory Since 1945
ISBN 9780761960942 , 1998 , Nigel M. Taylor
Communication and Empire: Media, Markets, and Globalization, 1860–1930
ISBN 9780822339120 , 2007
Euroscepticism in Contemporary British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties Since 1945
ISBN 9780415287319 , 2002 , Anthony Forster
Cultural Economics: The Arts, the Heritage, and the Media Industries
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The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
ISBN 9781118269749 , 2012 , Lon Safko
Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany
ISBN 9780674131781 , 1994
Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovation in Digital Domains
ISBN 9780262122566 , 2003 , Terje Rasmussen, Gunnar Liestol, Andrew Morrison
Post-Classical Hollywood: History, Film Style, and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638574 , 2010 , Barry Langford
The Language of New Media
ISBN 9780262133746 , 2001 , Lev Manovich
Mediating Modernity: German Literature and the New Media, 1895-1930
ISBN 9780271035116 , 2009
The Print Media in Fin-de-siècle Italy: Publishers, Writers, and Readers
ISBN 9781906540746 , 2011 , Jennifer Burns, Ann Hallamore Caesar,m.fl.
The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780822339663 , 2007 , Dubravka Zarkov
Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication
ISBN 9780761973638 , 2009 , Nick Stevenson