Søk: 'Product Reliability: Specification and Performance'
Deepening musical performance through movement: the theory and practice of embodied interpretation
ISBN 9780253349330 , 2007 , Alexandra Pierce
Management Systems and Organizational Performance: The Quest for Excellence Beyond ISO9000
ISBN 9781567204780 , 2002
Gypsies in Madrid: sex, gender and the performance of identity
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The Making of High Performance Athletes: Discipline, Diversity, and Ethics
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Analysis of Cache Performance for Operating Systems and Multiprogramming
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Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance with Operating Systems:Internals and Design Principles
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Motor Learning & Performance: Instructor's Guide
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Confident Music Performance: The Art of Preparing
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International Handbook of Practice-Based Performance Management
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Air traffic control: human performance factors
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Acts of Activism: Human Rights as Radical Performance
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Myth, meaning, and performance: toward a new cultural sociology of the arts
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Human Body Size and the Laws of Scaling: Physiological, Performance, Growth, Logevity and Ecological Ramifications
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Performance in Java and Bali: Studies of Narrative, Theatre, Music, and Dance
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Ecological economics and industrial ecology: a case study of the Integrated Product Policy of the European Union
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Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology: A Case Study of the Integrated Product Policy of the European Union
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A Midsummer Night's Dream: Shakespeare in Performance
ISBN 9780713683585 , 2007 , William Shakespeare, David M. Bevington,m.fl.
Strategic Budgeting: A Computer Program for Strategic Budgeting and Performance Assessment
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Leadership Coaching: Working With Leaders to Develop Elite Performance
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Theory and Methodology of Training: The Key to Athletic Performance
ISBN 9780787233716 , 1994 , Tudor O. Bompa
Neurological Rehabilitation: Optimizing Motor Performance with Pageburst Access
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Authenticities: Philosophical Reflections on Musical Performance
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Measuring Computer Performance: A Practitioner's Guide
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Hospital Performance in Brazil: The Search for Excellence
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Asset Maintenance Management: A Guide to Developing Strategy and Improving Performance
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Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry: Strategy, Innovation and Performance
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Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries
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Leadership brand: developing customer-focused leaders to drive performance and build lasting value
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Every Shot Counts: Using the Revolutionary Strokes Gained Approach to Improve Your Golf Performance and Strategy
ISBN 9781592407507 , 2014 , Mark Broadie
Myth, Meaning, And Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of the Arts
ISBN 9781594512155 , 2006 , Lisa McCormick, Professor Ron Eyerman