Søk: 'The Hundred Years War: Trial by Battle'
Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know
ISBN 9780393328462 , 2007 , David Rieff, Anthony Dworkin, Sheryl A. Mendez
The Clinton wars : an insider's account of the white house years
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Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle: The Little Big Horn Reexamined
ISBN 9780806129983 , 1997 , Richard A. Fox
Paths to War: New Essays on the Origins of the Second World War
ISBN 9780333375181 , 1989 , Robert W. D. Boyce,m.fl.
Alsace - Lorraine and the Great Irredentist War
ISBN 9781874157175 , 2006
Bad advice: Bush's lawyers in the war on terror
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Ending the Vietnam War: a history of America's involvement in and extrication from the Vietnam War
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Dynasty: Fifty Years of Shankly's Liverpool
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America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1992
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Against War with Iraq: An Anti-War Primer
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Arguing About War
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Iran and the Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946
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Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System
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Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis
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How to End Poverty in the World in Just 15 Years
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Strategy: the logic of war and peace
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The commanding heights: the battle between government and the marketplace that is remaking the modern world
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Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of pilgrimage
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Children's Mathematical Thinking in Primary Years
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Seriously Not All Right: Five Wars in Ten Years
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The Ethics of War: Classic and Contemporary Readings
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War and Games
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Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds
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The utility of force: the art of war in the modern world
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Masterpieces by the Numbers
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The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies
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Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System
ISBN 9780857020505 , 2011 , Peter Wallensteen
Archaeology, History, and Custler's Last Battle: The Little Big Horn Reexamined
ISBN 9780806124964 , 1993 , Richard A. Fox
Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War
ISBN 9780226669649 , 2010 , Charles Piot
The Cambridge History of the Cold War: Volume 3, Endings
ISBN 9780521837217 , 2010 , Odd Arne Westad