Søk: 'The Java Programming Language'
Java: A Beginner's Guide
ISBN 9780071466509 , 2005 , Herbert Schildt
Murach's Java Servlets and JSP
ISBN 9781890774448 , 2007
The Death of the Irish Language
ISBN 9780415064811 , 1991 , Reg Hindley
Head First: The Language of the Head Voice
ISBN 9780761836711 , 2007
Java som første programmeringsspråk
ISBN 9788202245542 , 2006 , Rolf W. Rasmussen, Torill Hamre,m.fl.
The unified modeling language reference manual
ISBN 9780321245625 , 2005 , Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson
Advanced Perl Programming
ISBN 9780596004569 , 2005 , Simon Cozens
Programming in Haskell
ISBN 9780511292187 , 2007 , Graham Hutton
A Friend of Nikki Sunshine's
ISBN 9781412050364 , 2005 , Java Bomani
Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions
ISBN 9781461476290 , 2013 , Robert J. Vanderbei
Modern Software Development Using Java
ISBN 9781423901235 , 2007 , G. Michael Schneider, Paul T. Tymann
Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
ISBN 9783642549588
C Programming In Easy Steps
ISBN 9781840785449 , 2012 , Mike McGrath
The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780631225027 , 2003 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Better, Faster, Lighter Java
ISBN 9780596006761 , 2004
Introduction to Java Programmng
ISBN 9780131871892 , 2004 , Y. Daniel Liang
Approaches to Studying World-Situated Language Use: Bridging the Language-As-Product and Language-As-Action Traditions
ISBN 9780262701044 , 2004 , John C. Trueswell, Michael K. Tanenhaus
Unix Network Programming
ISBN 9780131411555 , 2003 , Andrew M. Rudoff, Bill Fenner, W. Richard Stevens
Chaucer's Language
ISBN 9781403993564 , 2007 , Simon Horobin
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9780521603119 , 2006 , Michael Morris
Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom
ISBN 9780472089369 , 2004 , Andrea DeCapua, Ann C. Wintergerst
An Introduction to Parallel Programming
ISBN 9780123742605 , 2011 , Peter Pacheco
Core PYTHON Programming
ISBN 9780132269933 , 2006 , Wesley J. Chun
PHP Game Programming
ISBN 9781592001538 , 2004 , Matt Rutledge
Second Language Learning Theories
ISBN 9781444163100 , 2012 , Rosamond Mitchell, Emma Marsden
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language
ISBN 9781405858229 , 2010 , Norman Fairclough
Language Testing
ISBN 9780194372220 , 2000 , Tim McNamara, H.G. Widdowson
A Grammar of the Old Friesic Language
ISBN 9780559775611 , 2008 , Adley Hooke Cummins
Concurrent Programming
ISBN 9780201544176 , 1993 , Alan Burns, Geoff Davies
Children with Specific Language Impairment
ISBN 9780262027069 , 2014 , Laurence B. Leonard