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Education for the Manufacturing World of the Future
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ISBN 9780500511206 , 2003 , Bryan Sentance
The world is flat : a brief history of the globalized world in the twenty-f
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Problems of Suffering in Religions of the World
ISBN 9780521099035 , 1975 , John Bowker
The Shape of the World: A place in the world? Places, culture and globalization
ISBN 9780198741916 , 1995 , James Anderson, John Allen, Chris Brook,m.fl.
The World of the Swahili: An African Mercantile Civilization
ISBN 9780300060805 , 1994 , John Middleton
The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free Societies Throughout the World
ISBN 9780805089134 , 2009 , Larry Diamond
The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul
ISBN 9780300098617 , 2003 , Wayne A. Meeks
ISBN 9780007101672 , 2001 , Robert Ludlum, Gayle Lynds
The reality dysfunction: book one of The night?s dawn trilogy
ISBN 9780330340328 , 1997 , Peter F. Hamilton
The Color Encyclopedia of World Art
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Modeling Financial Time Series with S-Plus
ISBN 9780387955490 , 2002 , Eric Zivot, Jiahui Wang
To the Top of the World: Norway's Coastal Voyage
ISBN 9788202196073 , 2000 , Pål Espolin Johnson
Solutions Manual for Becker's World of the Cell
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The origins of the Second World War in Europe
ISBN 9780582304703 , 1997 , P.M.H. Bell, Philip Michael Hett Bell
Beyond Revolution: The Theory of Shulamith Firestone and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time .
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Mirror of the Arab World: Lebanon in Conflict
ISBN 9780393062182 , 2008 , Sandra Mackey
A New Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations
ISBN 9780099516682 , 2007 , Clive Ponting
Global Shift, Sixth Edition: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781609180065 , 2011 , 6. utgave , Peter Dicken
Free Trade Reimagined: The World Division of Labor and the Method of Economics
ISBN 9780691134291 , 2007 , Roberto Mangabeira Unger
A journey into the world of the Ottomans: the art of Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671-1737)
ISBN 9788861307964 , 2009 , Ol?ga Nefedova-Gruntova
Origins of the First World War
ISBN 9780393099478 , 1970 , Leonard Charles Frederick Turner
The Structures of the Life World V. 1
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A brief history of time
ISBN 9780553380163 , 2011 , Stephen Hawking
The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text Cases and Materials
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Concrete Manual: A Manual for the Control of Concrete Construction (a Water Resources Technical Publication Series, Eighth Edition)
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A Modern History of the Islamic World
ISBN 9780814797761 , 2000 , Reinhard Schulze
The Ebbing of European Ascendancy: An International History of the World 1914-1945
ISBN 9780340555668 , 2002 , Sally Marks
The International Olympic Committee and the Olympic System: The Governance of World Sport
ISBN 9780415431682 , 2008 , Jean-Loup Chappelet
A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar to the Present Time
ISBN 9781144075734 , 2010 , Markham