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Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice
ISBN 9780631154457 , 1987 , Allison Morris
Missionaries and mandarins: feminist engagement with development institutions
ISBN 9781853394348 , 1998 , Carol Miller, Shahra Razavi, Shahrashoub Razavi
Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public Policy
ISBN 9780521391627 , 1992 , Aletha C. Huston
Policy Making in China: Leaders, Structures, and Processes
ISBN 9780691010755 , 1990 , Kenneth Lieberthal, Michael Oksenberg
ISBN 9781841391502 , 2005 , Map Group, Compass Maps Limited
Educational Research and Policy-making: Exploring the Border Country Between Research and Policy
ISBN 9780415411752 , 2007 , Lesley Saunders
An Interpretation of Evangelization: Jon Sobrino's Christology and Ecclesiology in Dialogue
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The Domestication of Desire: Women, Wealth, and Modernity in Java
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Strategic Management and Business Policy: Concepts and Cases
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Is There A Nordic Feminism?: Nordic Feminist Thought On Culture And Society
ISBN 9781857288780 , 1997 , Bente Rosenbeck, Drude von der Fehr
Catholic women of Congo-Brazzaville: mothers and sisters in troubled times
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International economics: theory and policy
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Age, narrative and migration: the life course and life histories of Bengali elders in London
ISBN 9781859733134 , 2002 , Katy Gardner
Gendered practices: feminist studies of technology and society
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Public Policy and Local Governance: Institutions in Postmodern Society
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Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development
ISBN 9781847424464 , 2011 , Andy Sumner, Nicola A. Jones
Piety and poverty: working-class religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1870-1914
ISBN 9780841913561 , 1996 , Hugh McLeod
An Interpretation of Evangelization: Jon Sobrino's Christology and Ecclesiology in Dialogue
ISBN 9781573091916 , 1997 , Eileen M. Fagan
London Bridges
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London Bridges
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London; gatelangs
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Improving School Leadership, Volume 1 (Estonian version) Policy and Practice: Policy and Practice
ISBN 9789264044678 , 2008 , Bernan, Publishing Oecd Publishing
A Moroccan Wedding Ceremony Between Tradition and Modernity: The Role of Women in the Preparations
ISBN 9783838382531 , 2010 , jalila hajji
The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation
ISBN 9780340760284 , 2000 , Ian Kershaw
Between Civilization and Barbarism: Women, Nation, and Literary Culture in Modern Argentina
ISBN 9780803231580 , 1992
Pocket Good Guide: Best London Pubs And Bars
ISBN 9780091896690 , 2004 , Alisdair Aird, Fiona Stapley
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London Apartments
ISBN 9783823855583 , 2001 , Aurora Cuito