Søk: 'The social movement society: contentious politics for a new century'
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A century of spin: how public relations became the cutting edge of corporate power
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The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century: The Golden Age
ISBN 9780521843522 , 2005
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences
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Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order
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Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach
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Researching Society and Culture
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Putting a New Spin on Groups: The Science of Chaos
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A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency
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A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency
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Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function
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American Masterworks: The Twentieth-Century House
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Analyzing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research
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Japan To 1600: A Social and Economic History
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The return of the primitive: a new sociological theory of religion
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The International Politics of the Middle East
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Politics UK
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A New Introduction to American Studies
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A New Perspective * Photography & Filmmaking Edition
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Disaster and the Politics of Intervention
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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics
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The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics
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A dictionary of twentieth-century world history
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America and the New Epoch
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International Business: The New Realities
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Afghanistan : state and society, great power politics, and the way ahead: findings from an international conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007
ISBN 9780833044150 , 2008 , Cheryl Benard, Ole Kvaerno, Peter Dahl Thruelsen,m.fl.