Søk: '"Algorithms, Design Techniques and Analysis"'
"Algorithms, Design Techniques and Analysis"
ISBN 9789810237400 , 1999 , M. H. Alsuwaiyel
Fifteenth-Century Studies 34
ISBN 9781571133984 , 2009 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9788120332782 , 2007 , R. Panneerselvam
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9780534466114 , 2005 , S. Roosta
Algorithms: Analysis, Design, Implementation
ISBN 9781848290228 , 2009
Ethnologia Europaea, Volume 34/2
ISBN 9788763503716 , 2005 , Bjarne Stoklund, Gosta Arvaston, Tim Butler
Ethnologia Europaea, Volume 34/1
ISBN 9788763501927 , 2004 , Bjarne Stoklund, Peter Niedermuller
ISBN 9788120326378 , 2005 , S. K. Basu
ISBN 9783838397603 , 2010 , Raghavan R, M. Gopikrishnan
Algorithms and data structures: design, correctness, analysis
ISBN 9780201403749 , 1997
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9780201743951 , 2003 , Anany Levitin
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9780321210760 , 2003 , Anany V. Levitin
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques
ISBN 9781558605794 , 2002 , Rick Parent
34/10 : olje på norsk : en historie om dristighet
ISBN 9788299393027 , 2006 , Bjørn Vidar Lerøen
Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization
ISBN 9783211816264 , 1981 , Giorgio Ausiello, Mario Lucertini
Innovation-Driven Health Care: 34 Key Concepts for Transformation
ISBN 9780763746810 , 2007 , Richard L. Reece, Regina E. Herzlinger
Filosofenes verden: 34 store filosofer i hverdag og tenkning
ISBN 9788258810664 , 1995 , Wilhelm Weischedel
Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9781848728462 , 2010 , Joop J. Hox
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781118093740 , 2012 , Alan Dennis, Roberta M. Roth
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
ISBN 9780521195270 , 2011 , David P. Williamson, David B. Shmoys
Clay Mineral Cements in Sandstones: (Special Publication 34 of the IAS)
ISBN 9781405105873 , 2002 , Sadoon Morad
Lov om forbrukerkjøp (Forbrukerkjøpsloven) (Lov av 21.06.2002 nr. 34)
ISBN 9788205322905 , 2003 , Kai Krüger
Systems Analysis And Design
ISBN 9780471722571 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9780805832198 , 2002
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130415714 , 2002 , Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780273655367 , 2003 , James Cadle, Donald Yeates, Tony Wakefield
An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
ISBN 9780470017043 , 2009 , Boguslaw Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert
Design and Analysis of Experiments
ISBN 9781118097939 , 2012 , Douglas C. Montgomery
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780201338416
Power System Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781111425777 , 2011 , Mulukutla S. Sarma, J. Duncan Glover,m.fl.