Søk: 'A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century'
A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780521731645 , 2010 , Charles Holcombe
The Penguin History of Modern Russia: From Tsarism to the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780141037974 , 2009 , Robert Service
The Origins of the Modern World: A Global And Ecological Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780742554191 , 2006 , Robert B. Marks
A Brief History of Archaeology: Classical Times to the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780131776982 , 2005 , Brian Fagan, Joan Aitken
The World is Flat: a Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780312425074 , 2007 , Thomas L. Friedman
A History of Personality Psychology: Theory, Science, and Research from Hellenism to the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780521116329 , 2010 , Frank Dumont
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780674430006 , 2014 , Thomas Piketty
Multinationals And Global Capitalism: From The Nineteenth To The Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780199272105 , 2005 , Geoffrey Jones
Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty First Century
ISBN 9780199272099 , 2004 , Geoffrey Jones
Clausewitz in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780199232024 , 2007 , Hew Strachan
Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780745661063 , 2012 , John B. Thompson
Racial Formation in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780520273443 , 2012 , Daniel Martinez HoSang, Laura Pulido
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405183796 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
Transforming Museums in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780415615730 , 2011 , Graham Black
Adult Learning and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9788778382788 , 1997 , Ove Korsgaard
European Security in the Twenty-First Century: The Challenge of Multipolarity
ISBN 9780415545075 , 2007 , Hyde-Price Adrian
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405152044 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
East Asia: A New History
ISBN 9780205695225 , 2009 , Rhoads Murphey
Rural Education for the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780271036830 , 2010 , Kai A. Schafft
Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780135031742 , 2009 , Sidney I. Dobrin, Christian R. Weisser,m.fl.
East Asia: a new history
ISBN 9780321421418 , 2007 , Rhoads Murphey
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405106818 , 2005 , Youssef M. Choueiri
The Origins of the First World War
ISBN 9780582423794 , 2006 , James Joll, Gordon Martel
East Asia: A New History
ISBN 9780321163363 , 2003 , Rhoads Murphey
Returns : becoming indigenous in the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780674724921 , 2013 , James Clifford
A History of Asia
ISBN 9780205649167 , 2008 , Rhoads Murphey
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813348339 , 2012 , William L. Cleveland, Martin P. Bunton
Towards Schooling for the Twenty First Century
ISBN 9780304334483 , 1996 , Per Dalin, Val D. Rust
Precision agriculture in the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780309058933 , 1997 , National Research Council,m.fl.
A Twenty-First Century Guide to Aldersonian Marketing Thought
ISBN 9781441938718 , 2010 , Ben Wooliscroft, Robert D. Tamilia,m.fl.