Søk: 'A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion'
A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion
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Philosophy of Religion: A Beginner's Guide
ISBN 9781851686506 , 2009
Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
ISBN 9781557864499 , 1997
Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
ISBN 9781557864482 , 1997
Global philosophy of religion: a short introduction
ISBN 9781851682355 , 2001 , Joseph Runzo
Philosophy of Religion: Toward a Global Perspective
ISBN 9780534505493 , 1998 , Gary E. Kessler
A Critical Introduction to the Study of Religion
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The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Christendom
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A Confusion of the Spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion
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A Study of P. Papinius Statius' Thebais and His Imitation of Vergil's Aeneid
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Peter Berger and the Study of Religion.
ISBN 9780415215329 , 2001 , Peter Ludwig Berger, Linda. Woodhead,m.fl.
Emptiness Appraised: A Critical Study of Nagarjuna's Philosophy
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Sabda, a study of Bhartr?hari's philosophy of language
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Access to Religion and Philosophy: Medical Ethics
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Feminism in the Study of Religion
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Approaches to the Study of Religion
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Guide to the Study of Religion
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A man of his time
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The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
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John Sergeant and his circle: a study of three seventeenth-century English Aristotelians
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Philosophy: The Essential Study Guide
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A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics
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Classical Philosophy: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
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A Boy and His Bike
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A History of Philosophy
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