Søk: 'A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945'
A Time of Silence: Civil War And the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
ISBN 9780521025065 , 2006 , Antoine Prost, Jay Winter, Paul Kennedy,m.fl.
A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
ISBN 9780521594011 , 1998 , Antoine Prost, Jay Winter, Paul Kennedy,m.fl.
War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals
ISBN 9780747563013 , 2003 , David Halberstam
Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis
ISBN 9780140272390 , 2001 , Ian Kershaw
Rutland's Blues and Greys: A Year of the American Civil War
ISBN 9781438934754 , 2009 , Roger Carpenter
Russian Civil War, the
ISBN 9781843410416 , 2008 , Evan Mawdsley
Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War
ISBN 9780230619029 , 2009 , Neil J. Mitchell
The Columbia Book of Civil War Poetry
ISBN 9780231100021 , 1994 , Richard Marius, Keith Frome
Battle Cry of Freedom: Poetry And Verse Of The Civil War
ISBN 9781413705652 , 2004 , Suzanne Alexander
Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War
ISBN 9781403962744 , 2004 , Neil J. Mitchell
The Spanish Civil War
ISBN 9780304358403 , 2002 , Antony Beevor
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
ISBN 9780195168952 , 2003 , James M. McPherson
The Spanish Civil War: A Modern Tragedy
ISBN 9780203087855 , 2005
Dionysus in exile: on the repression of the body and emotion
ISBN 9781888602104 , 2000 , Rafael Lopez-Pedraza
Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War
ISBN 9781570034077 , 2001 , David George Surdam, Thomas Tisdale
A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690234 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690227 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
The other side of silence
ISBN 9780099442042 , 2011 , André Brink
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
ISBN 9780195038637 , 1988 , James M. McPherson
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
ISBN 9780140125184 , 1990 , James M. McPherson
The Silence Of The Lambs
ISBN 9780099446781 , 2002 , Thomas Harris
Families and Freedom: A Documentary History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era
ISBN 9781565844407 , 1998 , Ira Berlin, Leslie S. Rowland
A Human Geography of Spain
ISBN 9781898723912 , 2011 , J. M. Martinez, Russell King,m.fl.
Lies of silence
ISBN 9788205230767 , 2008 , Brian Moore, Per Illum, Solveig Odland
Britain's war in the Middle East: strategy and diplomacy, 1936-1942
ISBN 9780333645239 , 1999 , Martin Kolinsky
The History of Linguistics in Spain
ISBN 9789027245175 , 1986 , Antonio Quilis, Hans-Josef Niederehe,m.fl.
A Yankee spy in Richmond: the Civil War diary of "Crazy Bet" Van Lew
ISBN 9780811729994 , 2001 , David D. Ryan, Elizabeth L. Van Lew
The History of Spain
ISBN 9780313302725 , 1999 , Peter Pierson
Dynamic of Destruction: Culture and Mass Killing in the First World War
ISBN 9780199543779 , 2008 , Alan Kramer
Lucifer: mansions of the silence
ISBN 9781840239829 , 2004 , Mike Carey, Peter Gross, Ryan Kelly, Dean Ormston