Søk: 'A life worth living: practical strategies for reducing depression in older adults'
A life worth living: practical strategies for reducing depression in older adults
ISBN 9781878812032 , 1997 , Phyllis W. Barrett, Pearl M. Mosher-Ashley
Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults
ISBN 9780470037973 , 2006 , Sarah Honn Qualls, Sara H. Qualls, Bob G. Knight
Depression with Older Adults
ISBN 9781591474487 , 2006 , Jon Carlson, Peter A. Lichtenberg,m.fl.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Older Adults with Depression
ISBN 9781591478041 , 2007 , Gregory A. Hinrichsen
A Life Worth Living: The Adventures of a Passionate Sportsman
ISBN 9781585743254 , 2002 , Jack Hemmingway
Depression in Later Life
ISBN 9781843102342 , 2005 , Jill Manthorpe, Steve Iliffe
Active Older Adults in the Ymca: A Resource Manual
ISBN 9780873223560 , 1993 , Ann P. Hooke, Mary B. Zoller
Stations of Cross-Older Adults
ISBN 9780896224209 , 1990 , John Van Bemmel
Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults
ISBN 9780736045131 , 2005 , Debra J. Rose, C. Jessie Jones
A Life for Living: An Autobiography
ISBN 9780955669606 , 2007 , G. M. Grayson
Changes in decision-making capacity in older adults: assessment and intervention
ISBN 9780470037980 , 2007 , Sarah Honn Qualls, Michael A. Smyer
Adundance for Beginners: Simple Strategies for Successful Living
ISBN 9780738707709 , 2007 , Ellen Peterson
Advanced practice nursing with older adults: clinical guidelines
ISBN 9780071341578 , 2001 , Neville E. Strumpf, Valerie T. Cotter
Older Adults With HIV: An In-Depth Examination of an Emerging Population
ISBN 9781608760541 , 2010 , Mark Brennan, Stephen E. Karpiak,m.fl.
Reducing inequalities in health: a European perspective
ISBN 9780415259842 , 2002 , Johan Mackenbach, Martijntje Bakker
The Sorcerer's Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick
ISBN 9781601630599 , 2009 , Jason Miller
Be Safe!: Simple Strategies for Death-Free Living
ISBN 9781931686716 , 2004
Activities for Older People: A Practical Workbook of Art and Craft Projects
ISBN 9780750647410 , 2000 , Brian W. Banks
Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life
ISBN 9780262515856 , 2011 , Kari Marie Norgaard
A Survey of 1000 Families During the Great Depression: Changes in the Standard of Living for Railway Workers
ISBN 9780979259104 , 2008 , Carter Goodrich
Everyone worth knowing
ISBN 9780007182657
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service
ISBN 9780273630494 , 1998 , Martin Christopher
The Rules of Life: A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful Kind of Life
ISBN 9780273740827 , 2011
A Textured Life :: Empowerment and Adults with Developmental Disabilities
ISBN 9780889203358 , 1999 , Andrew Taylor, Alison Pedlar, Larry Haworth,m.fl.
Living for Christ in a Pagan World
ISBN 9780852342794 , 1991 , Michael Bentley
A Practical Introduction to Care: An In-service Development Programme for Staff Working in Residential Care Homes for Older People
ISBN 9780863881367 , 1995 , Julia Clough
A Practical Guide to the Study of Calcium in Living Cells
ISBN 9780125228107 , 1994 , Paul T. Matsudaira, Leslie Wilson,m.fl.
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: A Proven Plan for Healthy Living
ISBN 9780800733315 , 2009 , Danna Demetre
A life (un)worthy of living: reproductive genetics in Israel and Germany
ISBN 9781402052170 , 2007 , Yael Hashiloni-Dolev
Awake in the World: Teachings from Yoga & Buddhism for Living an Engaged Life
ISBN 9781590308141 , 2011 , Michael Stone