Søk: 'Academic Motivation of Adolescents'
Academic Motivation of Adolescents
ISBN 9781931576628 , 2002 , Frank Pajares, Tim Urdan
Academic Motivation of Adolescents (HC)
ISBN 9781931576635 , 2002 , Frank Pajares, Tim Urdan, Timothy C. Urdan
Students\\\' Motivation to Learn, Academic Achievement and Academic Advising: An Exploratory Investigation
ISBN 9783639003574 , 2008 , Marcus Henning
The Essentials of Academic Writing
ISBN 9780495800491 , 2009 , Derek Soles
Motivation in Education
ISBN 9781292041476 , 2013
Understanding Motivation and Emotion
ISBN 9781118517796 , 2014 , Johnmarshall Reeve
Academic Discourse
ISBN 9781441192042 , 2009 , Ken Hyland
Psychology of Learning and Motivation
ISBN 9780123744883 , 2009 , Brian H. Ross, Douglas Medin, Christopher Bauman,m.fl.
A Geopolitics of Academic Writing
ISBN 9780822957942 , 2002 , A. Suresh Canagarajah
Academic Discourse
ISBN 9780582418875 , 2002 , John Flowerdew
Motivation and Action
ISBN 9780521149136 , 2010 , Jutta Heckhausen, Heinz Heckhausen
Handbook of Depression in Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9781593855826 , 2008 , Benjamin L. Hankin, John R. Z. Abela
Biotechnology: Academic Cell Update
ISBN 9780123850638 , 2011 , David P. Clark, Nanette J. Pazdernik
Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media
ISBN 9781412905305 , 2007 , Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Academic Writing for International Students of Business
ISBN 9780415564700 , 2010 , Theresa Lillis, Stephen Bailey, Mary Jane Curry
Understanding Motivation and Emotion
ISBN 9780470392232 , 2008 , Johnmarshall Reeve
Writing Academic English
ISBN 9780131523593 , 2005 , Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue
Academic Writing for International Studies of Business
ISBN 9780415468831 , 2011 , Theresa Lillis, Mary Jane Curry
Emotion and Motivation
ISBN 9781405110686 , 2003 , Marilynn B. Brewer, Miles Hewstone
Advances in motivation
ISBN 9788200226420 , 1996 , Torgrim Gjesme, Roald Nyg?rd
Understanding motivation and emotion
ISBN 9780471456193 , 2005 , John Marshall Reeve
Academic Writing Context (e)
ISBN 9780826481313 , 2006 , Martin Hewings
Academic Scientists at Work
ISBN 9780387321769 , 2006 , Jeremy M. Boss, Susan H. Eckert
Academic writing in English: a practical handbook
ISBN 9788202445249 , 2014 , Per Lysvåg, Gjertrud F. Stenbrenden
Analysing the Consequences of Academic Mobility and Migration
ISBN 9781443829786 , 2011 , Fred Dervin
Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
ISBN 9780071086356 , 2011
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults
ISBN 9781609180621 , 2011 , Sylvie Naar-King, Mariann Suarez
Crossing: Language & Ethnicity Among Adolescents
ISBN 9781900650779 , 2004 , Ben Rampton
Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9780521775588 , 2001 , Helmut Remschmidt, MD, PhD
Motivation and work behavior
ISBN 9780071131025 , 2003 , Richard M. Steers, Lyman W. Porter,m.fl.