Søk: 'Adaptive signal models: theory, algorithms, and audio applications'
Adaptive signal models: theory, algorithms, and audio applications
ISBN 9780792382911 , 1998 , Michael Goodwin, M. Vetterli
Adaptive signal processing algorithms: stability and performance
ISBN 9780135012635 , 1994 , Victor Solo, Xuan Kong
Adaptive filters: structures, algorithms, and applications
ISBN 9780898381634 , 1984 , David G. Messerschmitt, Michael L. Honig
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms
ISBN 9783540282303 , 2006 , Vincent Tk?indt, Jean-Charles Billaut, H. Scott
Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
ISBN 9780133942897 , 1996 , Dimitris G. Manolakis
Digital signal processing: principles, algorithms, and applications
ISBN 9780133737622 , 1996 , Manolakis Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis
Multicriteria scheduling: theory, models and algorithms
ISBN 9783540436171 , 2002 , Jean-Charles Billaut
Adaptive Dual Control: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540213734 , 2004 , Nikolai Michailovich Filatov, Heinz Unbehauen
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
ISBN 9783540715894 , 2007 , B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski,m.fl.
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
ISBN 9783540715900 , 2007 , Bernadete Ribeiro, Bartlomiej Beliczynski,m.fl.
Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
ISBN 9780792381303 , 1998 , Mark Kahrs, Karlheinz Brandenburg
Parallel Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
ISBN 9780195100624 , 1997 , Stavros Andrea Zenios, Yair Censor
Small Signal Audio Design
ISBN 9780415709736 , 2014 , Douglas Self
Adaptive Radar Signal Processing
ISBN 9780471735823 , 2006 , Simon S. Haykin
Adaptive Radar Signal Processing
ISBN 9780470069127 , 2006 , Simon Haykin
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering, and Array Processing
ISBN 9781580536103 , 2005 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle,m.fl.
Advanced Linear Models: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780824791698 , 1993 , Song-gui Wang, Shein-Chung Chow, Sung-Kuei Wang
System Reliability Theory: Models, Statistical Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780471471332 , 2004 , Marvin Rausand, Arnljot Høyland
Foundations of Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Algorithms and Hardware Design
ISBN 9780852964316 , 2004 , Institution of Electrical Engineers,m.fl.
Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation
ISBN 9780792399124 , 1997 , Paulo S. R. Diniz
Adaptive Signal Processing for Radar
ISBN 9780890065860 , 1991 , Ramon Nitzberg
Digital Signal Processing for Measurement Systems: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780387249667 , 2005 , Gabriele D'Antona, Alessandro Ferrero
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
ISBN 9781848829343 , 2010 , Richard Szeliski
Adaptive methods--algorithms, theory and applications: proceedings of the Ninth GAMM-Seminar, Kiel, January 22-24, 1993
ISBN 9783528076467 , 1994 , Wolfgang Hackbusch,m.fl.
A Mathematical Theory of Design: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications
ISBN 9780792350798 , 1998 , Dan Braha, Oded Z. Maimon
Introduction to dynamic systems: theory, models, and applications
ISBN 9780471025948 , 1979 , David G. Luenberger
Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
ISBN 9780534423629 , 2003 , Wayne L. Winston
Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780521110020 , 2011 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle
Business Finance: Applications, Models and Cases
ISBN 9780132646499 , 2002 , Michel Schlosser
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781412980449 , 2011 , Robert F. DeVellis