Søk: 'Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing and Applications'
Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing and Applications
ISBN 9781580537407 , 2004 , Stephen E. Saddow, Anant K. Agarwal
Advances in Information Processing and Protection
ISBN 9780387731360 , 2007 , Jerzy Pejas, Khalid Saeed
Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications
ISBN 9781849736671 , 2013 , Mohsen Shahinpoor, Norman M. Wereley,m.fl.
Advances in Control Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540707004 , 2007 , Claudio Bonivento, Alberto Isidori,m.fl.
Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing
ISBN 9789812569042 , 2006 , Chin-Hui Lee, Haizhou Li, Lin-Shan Lee
Advances in speech, hearing, and language processing
ISBN 9781559383004 , 1992 , W.A. Ainsworth
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications
ISBN 9780817636142 , 2007 , Gabor T. Herman, Attila Kuba
Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540433309 , 2003
Silicon in Agriculture
ISBN 9780444502629 , 2001 , L.E. Datnoff, G.H. Korndorfer
Antioxidants in Biology and Medicine: Essentials, Advances, and Clinical Applications
ISBN 9781611225020 , 2011 , Yunbo Li
Advances in Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering
ISBN 9781591409410 , 2006 , Du Zhang, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai
Advances in educational and psychological testing: theory and applications
ISBN 9780792390701 , 1991 , Ronald K. Hambleton, Jac N. Zaal
Advances in Fractional Calculus: Theoretical Developments and Applications in Physics and Engineering
ISBN 9781402060410 , 2007 , Jocelyn Sabatier, Om Prakash Agrawal,m.fl.
Advances in Speech, Hearing and Language Processing: A Research Annual
ISBN 9781559382106 , 1990 , W.A. Ainsworth
Advances in Econometrics: Bayesian Computational Methods & Applications
ISBN 9781559389730 , 1996 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill,m.fl.
Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9783540419532 , 2001 , Michael Brandstein, Darren Ward
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2
ISBN 9781430244646 , 2013 , Ira Greenberg, Deepak Kumar
Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
ISBN 9780133942897 , 1996 , Dimitris G. Manolakis
Digital signal processing: principles, algorithms, and applications
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Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal Processing
ISBN 9780273752288 , 2011 , Henry Stark, John W. Woods
Advances in Statistical Signal Processing Vol. 2: Signal Detection
ISBN 9780892329076 , 1993 , H. Vincent Poor, John B. Thomas
Discrete Fourier Analysis and Wavelets: Applications to Signal and Image Processing
ISBN 9780470294666 , 2008 , S. Allen Broughton, Kurt M. Bryan
Silicon Dioxide in Solid State Electronics
ISBN 9789810220174 , 2004 , Olof Engstrom
Digital Signal Processing for Measurement Systems: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780387249667 , 2005 , Gabriele D'Antona, Alessandro Ferrero
Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era Volume 3: The Submicron Mosfet
ISBN 9780961672157 , 1995 , Stanley Wolf, Richard N. Tauber
Advances in the Applications of Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes
ISBN 9789810241339 , 2000 , Ronald E. Mickens
Advances in Motivation in Sport and Exercise-3rd Edition
ISBN 9780736090810 , 2012
Advances in Chromatography
ISBN 9781420060362 , 2009 , Nelu Grinberg, Eli Grushka
Advances in the Applications of Non-Standard Finite Difference Schemes
ISBN 9789812564047 , 2005 , Ronald E. Mickens
Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
ISBN 9780792381303 , 1998 , Mark Kahrs, Karlheinz Brandenburg