Søk: 'Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell a Doksum'
Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell a Doksum
ISBN 9789812703699 , 2007 , Vijay Nair, Kjell A. Doksum
Advances in Order Restricted Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780387964195 , 1986 , Richard Dykstra, Tim Robertson, Farrol T. Wright
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
ISBN 9781848558922 , 2009 , Manas Chatterji, Giuseppe Caforio
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
ISBN 9781848558946 , 2009 , Manas Chatterji, Giuseppe Caforio
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780495391876 , 2008 , George Casella, Roger Berger
All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780387402727 , 2004 , L. A. Wasserman
Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9781292024783 , 2013 , Robert V. Hogg
Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780534243128 , 2001 , Roger L. Berger, George Casella
Probability And Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780131464131 , 2006 , Elliot A. Tanis, Robert V. Hogg
Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780321584755 , 2010 , Elliot A. Tanis, Robert V. Hogg
Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780131293823 , 2006 , Elliot A. Tanis, Robert V. Hogg
A Garden of Quanta: Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa
ISBN 9789812384454 , 2003 , J. Arafune, A. Arai, M. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura,m.fl.
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Volume 3: Essays in Microstructure in Honor of David K Whitcomb
ISBN 9789812566263 , 2006 , Ivan E. Brick, Tavy Ronen, Lee Cheng-Few
Aspects of Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780471115915 , 1996 , Alan H. Welsh
A Course in Stochastic Processes: Stochastic Models and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780792340874 , 1996 , Denis Bosq, Hung T. Nguyêñ
Advances in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ISBN 9781590338995 , 2004 , Elka Korutcheva, Rodolfo Cuerno
Religion in Late Modernity: Essays in Honor of PÃ¥l Repstad
ISBN 9788251922111 , 2007 , Inger Furseth
Probability and Statistical Inference, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292062358 , 2014 , Elliot A. Tanis, Robert V. Hogg
Volatility and Time Series Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Robert Engle
ISBN 9780199549498 , 2010 , Mark W. Watson, Tim Bollerslev, Jeffrey Russell
Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling
ISBN 9780262161893 , 2000 , S. Spaccapietra, Zahir Tari,m.fl.
Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith
ISBN 9781845532307 , 2008 , Jonathan Z. Smith, Russell T. McCutcheon,m.fl.
Assets, Beliefs, and Equilibria in Economic Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Mordecai Kurz
ISBN 9783540009115 , 2003 , Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Kenneth J. Arrow,m.fl.
Probability and Statistical Inference: International Edition
ISBN 9780321636355 , 2009 , Elliot A. Tanis, Robert V. Hogg
Certainty and surface in epistemology and philosophical method: essays in honor of Avrum Stroll
ISBN 9780773497115 , 1991 , Michael J. White, Avrum Stroll, Al P. Martinich
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honour of Charles C. Moskos
ISBN 9781848558908 , 2009 , Manas Chatterji, Giuseppe Caforio
Variations in business and economic history: essays in honor of Donald L. Kemmerer
ISBN 9780892322626 , 1982 , Bruce R. Dalgaard, Richard K. Vedder,m.fl.
For All People: Global Theologies in Contexts : Essays in Honor of Viggo Mortensen
ISBN 9780802860866 , 2003 , Else Marie Pedersen, Holger Lam, Peter Lodberg
Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modeling
ISBN 9783642161346 , 2010 , Jean Levine, Philippe Mullhaupt
Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays in Honor of Hyman P. Minsky
ISBN 9781563240164 , 1992 , Steven M. Fazzari, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou,m.fl.
An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference
ISBN 9780125990202 , 2003 , George Roussas