Søk: 'American Women Regionalists: 1850-1910'
American Women Regionalists: 1850-1910
ISBN 9780393313635 , 1996
American New Realism 1910-1920
ISBN 9781855068605 , 2001
Women and the American Experience
ISBN 9780073385570 , 2010 , Nancy Woloch
Press, Politics, and Votes for Women, 1910-1918
ISBN 9788200126959 , 1997 , Ragnhild Nessheim
The Religious Imagination of American Women
ISBN 9780253213389 , 1999 , Mary Farrell Bednarowski
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950
ISBN 9780521386876 , 1990 , Albert Gelpi
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950
ISBN 9780521345330 , 1988 , Albert Gelpi
Islam our choice: portraits of modern American Muslim women
ISBN 9781590080184 , 2003 , Debra L. Dirks, Stephanie Parlove
Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq
ISBN 9780811735667 , 2008 , Kirsten Holmstedt
Barnearbeid, plikt eller privilegium ?: barnearbeid og oppvekst i to norske industrisamfunn i perioden 1850-1910
ISBN 9788276341133 , 1997 , Ellen Schrumpf
ISBN 9783823845768 , 2004 , Stefan May
American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender Within the Ummah
ISBN 9780814748091 , 2008
Essays og artikler: 1910-1919
ISBN 9788203187926 , 2004 , Liv Bliksrud, Sigrid Undset
Women and the national experience: primary sources in American history
ISBN 9780321005557 , 2002 , Ellen A. Skinner
American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender Within the Ummah
ISBN 9780814748107 , 2008
Alfa Romeo: From 1910 to 2010
ISBN 9788879115032 , 2010
A Beautiful Pageant: African American Theatre, Drama, and Performance in the Harlem Renaissance, 1910-1927
ISBN 9780312295905 , 2002 , David Krasner
Portal; Norge etter 1850
ISBN 9788252157895 , 2004 , May-Brith Ohman Nielsen
Little Women
ISBN 9780486410234 , 2003 , Louisa May Alcott
Caesar's Women
ISBN 9780099460428 , 2003 , Colleen McCullough
Two Women
ISBN 9780141018065 , 2004 , Elizabeth Buchan
Opptøyer i Norge: 1750 - 1850
ISBN 9788230400876 , 2012 , Hilde Sandvik, Knut Dørum
Hadelandsglass 1850-1900
ISBN 9788270032105 , 2000 , Inger-Marie Lie
Madcaps, screwballs, and con women: the female trickster in American culture
ISBN 9780812216516 , 1998 , Lori Landay
Idéportal; verdenshistorie etter 1850, norgeshistorie etter 1850
ISBN 9788252162578 , 2004 , May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Ståle Dyrvik,m.fl.
Idéportal; verda etter 1850, Noreg etter 1850
ISBN 9788252160123 , 2004 , May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Ståle Dyrvik,m.fl.
Norgeshistorie etter 1850
ISBN 9788202163761 , 1999 , Øivind Stenersen, Ivar Libæk, Terje Emblem,m.fl.
Portal; verden etter 1850
ISBN 9788252157871 , 2004 , Andreas Aase, Olav A. Abrahamsen
Norge etter 1850
ISBN 9788203137266 , 1995 , Ole Kristian Grimnes
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415822022 , 2013