Søk: 'Amos: a new translation with introduction and commentary'
Amos: a new translation with introduction and commentary
ISBN 9780385007733 , 1989 , Francis I. Andersen
Galatians: a new translation with introduction and commentary
ISBN 9780300139853 , 2007 , J.Louis Martyn
First Corinthians: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
ISBN 9780300140446 , 2007
Benedict's Rule: A Translation and Commentary
ISBN 9780814623251 , 1996
First Peter: A Translation and Devotional Commentary
ISBN 9780849900068 , 1977
A Commentary on Herodotus: With Introduction and Appendices Volume I
ISBN 9780198143840 , 1989 , Joseph Wells, Walter W. How
The Aeneid of Virgil: a companion to the translation of C. Day Lewis with introduction, commentary & glossary
ISBN 9780862920449 , 1985 , Robert Deryck Williams
Parmenides of Elea: Fragments : A Text and Translation With an Introduction
ISBN 9780802069085 , 1991 , Parmenides, David Gallop
Pope's Iliad: a selection with commentary
ISBN 9780862920494 , 2002 , Homer, Alexander Pope, Felicity Rosslyn
The Selected Canterbury Tales: A New Verse Translation
ISBN 9780393341782 , 2012 , Chaucer Geoffrey
Tori Amos
ISBN 9780859653770 , 2005 , Tori Amos, Ann Powers
Bhagavadgita: Exegetical and Comparative Commentary With Sanskrit Text, Translation, Interlinear Transliteration With Parsing, Mini-Lexicon and Text-Critical Notes
ISBN 9780773413696 , 2010
Bhagavadgita: exegetical and comparative commentary with Sanskrit text, translation, interlinear transliteration with parsing, mini lexicon, and text-critical notes
ISBN 9780773452909 , 2007
A Historical Commentary on Thucydides: A Companion to Rex Warner's Penguin Translation
ISBN 9780472084197 , 1997 , Rex Warner, David Cartwright
Science and Religion: A New Introduction
ISBN 9781405187916 , 2010 , Alister E. McGrath
A Companion to Plato's Republic for English Readers Being A A Companion to Plato's Republic for English Readers Being a Commentary Adapted to Davies and Vaughan's Translation Commentary Adapted to Davies and Vaughan's Translation
ISBN 9781151847157 , 2010 , Bernard Bosanquet
A Companion to Plato's Republic for English Readers, Being a Commentary Adapted to Davies and Vaughan's Translation
ISBN 9781152223370 , 2010 , Bernard Bosanquet
Kamasutra: The Acclaimed New Translation
ISBN 9780762416080 , 2003 , Wendy Doniger, Sudhir Kakar
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary
ISBN 9780136149347 , 1990 , Roland Edmund Murphy, Raymond Edward Brown,m.fl.
A Tori Amos Collection: Tales of a Librarian
ISBN 9780825628757 , 2003 , Tori Amos
New Media: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415431606 , 2008 , Jon Dovey, Iain Grant, Martin Lister,m.fl.
Global Politics: A New Introduction
ISBN 9780415431316 , 2010 , Jenny Edkins, Maja Zehfuss
A Commentary on Herodotus
ISBN 9780198149569 , 2007 , David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, Aldo Corcella,m.fl.
New Media: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415431613 , 2008 , Jon Dovey, Iain Grant, Martin Lister,m.fl.
New Documentary: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415385244 , 2006 , Stella Bruzzi
New Media: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415223782 , 2003 , Jon Dovey, Iain Grant, Martin Lister,m.fl.
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Numbers
ISBN 9781116712476 , 2009 , George Buchanan Gray
A New and Literal Translation of the First Book of Herodotus, by Philomerus
ISBN 9781103111343 , 2009 , Herodotus
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: Fragments and Testimonia : a Text and Translation with Notes and Essays
ISBN 9780802093257 , 2007 , Patricia Curd, Anaxágoras
A New Introduction to Old Norse
ISBN 9780903521741 , 2007