Søk: 'Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens'
Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens
ISBN 9780892366866 , 2002 , Nikolaos Kaltsas,m.fl.
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406640 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano,m.fl.
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406718 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano,m.fl.
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406688 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406664 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano
The Modernity of Ancient Sculpture: Greek Sculpture and Modern Art from Winckelmann to Picasso
ISBN 9781848859036 , 2012 , Elizabeth Prettejohn
Introductory Readings in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
ISBN 9780872208315 , 2006 , C. D. C. Reeve, Patrick Lee Miller
Introductory Readings in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
ISBN 9780872208308 , 2006 , C. D. C. Reeve, Patrick Lee Miller
Catalogue of Casts Part III Greek and Roman Sculpture
ISBN 9780559360626 , 2008 , Edward M. Robinson
Catalogue of Casts Part III Greek and Roman Sculpture
ISBN 9780559360633 , 2008 , Edward M. Robinson
The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome
ISBN 9780195215823 , 2000 , Hazel Dodge, Peter Connolly
Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind
ISBN 9780191563423
Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World
ISBN 9780521006354 , 2005 , John Pedley
Religion in the Ancient Greek City
ISBN 9780521423571 , 1992 , Louise Bruit Zaidman, Pauline Schmitt Pantel,m.fl.
Ancient Greek Religion
ISBN 9781405181778 , 2009 , Jon D. Mikalson
Roman Sculpture
ISBN 9780300046311 , 1992
Understanding Greek sculpture: ancient meanings, modern readings : with 142 illustrations
ISBN 9780500278765 , 1997 , Nigel Jonathan Spivey
A museum of their own: National Museum of Women in the Arts
ISBN 9780789210036 , 2008 , Wilhelmina Cole Holladay, Philip Kopper
The British Museum Pocket Dictionary of Greek & Roman Gods & Goddesses
ISBN 9780714130156 , 2003 , Richard Woff
Architecture and Architectural Sculpture in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780947816292 , 1990 , Martin Henig
Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
ISBN 9781602350946 , 2009 , Carol S. Lipson, Roberta A. Binkley
Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
ISBN 9781602350953 , 2009 , Carol S. Lipson, Roberta A. Binkley
Greek and Roman Mythology
ISBN 9780486990286 , 2009 , Alan Weller, Dover Pictura
Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources
ISBN 9780631233947 , 2003 , Eric W. Robinson
Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780900587597 , 1989 , Averil Cameron, Susan Walker
Greek and Gothic: Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting
ISBN 9781147093223 , 2010 , Richard John St. Tyrwhitt
Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources
ISBN 9780631233930 , 2003 , Eric W. Robinson
Ancient lines in the landscape: a geo-archaeological study of protohistoric and Roman roads and field systems in northwestern Gaul
ISBN 9789042909915 , 2001 , Frank Vermeulen, Mark Antrop
Greek and Roman Architecture in Classic Drawings
ISBN 9780486404912 , 2003 , Hector D'Espouy
ISBN 9780714109657