Søk: 'Architecture and the Allied Arts, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic'
Architecture and the Allied Arts, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic
ISBN 9781142217372 , 2010 , Alfred Mansfield Brooks
Greek and Gothic: Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting
ISBN 9781147093223 , 2010 , Richard John St. Tyrwhitt
Gothic Architecture
ISBN 9780300087994 , 2001 , Paul T. Frankl, Paul Crossley
Greek and Roman Architecture in Classic Drawings
ISBN 9780486404912 , 2003 , Hector D'Espouy
A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture
ISBN 9780521094528 , 1969 , Donald Struan Robertson
Greek Architecture
ISBN 9781406726534 , 2006 , Allan Marquand
Greek Architecture
ISBN 9780300064926 , 1996 , Arnold Walter Lawrence, Richard Allan Tomlinson
Gothic: architecture, sculpture, painting
ISBN 9783833160073 , 2010 , Rolf Toman, Achim Bednorz, Christian von Arnim,m.fl.
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe
ISBN 9781405198783 , 2010 , Conrad Rudolph
Greek and Roman Mythology
ISBN 9780486990286 , 2009 , Alan Weller, Dover Pictura
Gothic: architecture, sculpture, painting
ISBN 9783833151484 , 2007 , Rolf Toman, Achim Bednorz, Christian von Arnim,m.fl.
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe
ISBN 9781405102865 , 2006 , Conrad Rudolph
The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and Medieval Concept of Order
ISBN 9780691018676 , 1988 , Otto G.Von Simson
Greek Architecture
ISBN 9780807603376 , 1996 , Robert L. Scranton
French Gothic Architecture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
ISBN 9780520055865 , 1985 , Jean Bony
Gothic (Lct): Architecture, Sculpture, Painting
ISBN 9783833135125 , 2007 , Achim Bednorz, Christian von Arnim, Helen Atkins,m.fl.
Archaeology and the Pan-European Romanesque
ISBN 9780715634349 , 2007 , Tadhg O'Keeffe, T. O'Keefe
Roman Art and Architecture
ISBN 9780500200216 , 1964 , Sir Mortimer Wheeler
Being Byzantine: Greek Identity Before the Ottomans, 1200-1420
ISBN 9780521871815 , 2008
Classical and Gothic
ISBN 9781851829453 , 2005
The brain and the arts
ISBN 9788292395646 , 2008 , Espen Dietrichs, Ragnar Stien,m.fl.
Roman Architecture
ISBN 9780415200936 , 1998 , Frank Sear
Marketing Culture and the Arts
ISBN 9782980860218 , 2007
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Culture
ISBN 9781845110000 , 2008 , William Smith, William Wayte, G.E. Marandin
A History of Greece: The Byzantine and Greek Empires, Pt. 2, A. D. 1057-1453
ISBN 9781142419974 , 2010 , George Finlay
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
ISBN 9781845110024 , 2007 , William Smith
Classical Greek architecture: the construction of the modern
ISBN 9782080304421 , 2004 , Phoive Giannise
Pietro Da Cortona and Roman Baroque Architecture
ISBN 9780300111231 , 2008 , Anthony Blunt, Jörg Martin Merz,m.fl.
Monumentality and the Roman Empire: Architecture in the Antonine Age
ISBN 9780199288632 , 2007 , Edmund Thomas
Architecture and Architectural Sculpture in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780947816292 , 1990 , Martin Henig