Søk: 'Basic Marketing Research'
Basic Marketing Research
ISBN 9780131296138 , 2004 , Ronald F. Bush, Alvin C. Burns
Basic Marketing Research & SPSS 16.0 CD Package
ISBN 9780132460811 , 2008 , Naresh K. Malhotra, SPSS Inc.
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781507775547 , 2015 , Dawn Iacobucci
Basic Marketing Research: Application to Contemporary Issues with Spss
ISBN 9780130090485 , 2002 , Naresh K. Malhotra
Marketing research essentials
ISBN 9780471684763 , 2005 , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation
ISBN 9780538743778 , 2009 , Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781439081013 , 2010 , Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert Churchill
International marketing research
ISBN 9780130453860 , 2000 , V. Kumar
Marketing Research with SPSS
ISBN 9780273703839 , 2008 , Patrick De Pelsmacker
Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques
ISBN 9780199281961 , 2007
Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9780273718703 , 2011 , Alan Wilson
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9780324225099 , 2005 , Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing Research, 7th Edition
ISBN 9780471363408 , 2001 , 7. utgave , David A. Aaker, V. Kumar
Contemp Marketing Research 3e
ISBN 9780314061225 , 1996 , 3. utgave , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation
ISBN 9780136085430 , 2009 , Naresh K. Malhotra, SPSS Inc.
Marketing Research Essentials [With SPSS]
ISBN 9780470627631 , 2009 , Carl McDaniel, Jr.
Marketing Research: An International Approach
ISBN 9780273646358 , 2006 , Sven Hollensen, Dr. Svend Hollensen,m.fl.
Basic Marketing Research Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis: Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis
ISBN 9780131354210 , 2007 , Ronald F. Bush, Alvin C. Burns
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9780077117382 , 2008 , Subhash C. Jain, Dr. Patrik Jonsson,m.fl.
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9780030220128 , 1987 , Gilbert A.. Churchill
Marketing research: an integrated approach
ISBN 9780273651130 , 2003 , Alan M. Wilson
Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9780273694748 , 2006 , Alan M. Wilson
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation
ISBN 9780131217294 , 2003 , Naresh Malhotra
Basic and Applied Memory Research
ISBN 9780805815412 , 1996 , Douglas J. Herrmann, Cathy McEvoy, Chris Hertzog,m.fl.
Basic and Applied Memory Research
ISBN 9780805815436 , 1996 , Douglas J. Herrmann, Cathy McEvoy, Chris Hertzog,m.fl.
Marketing Research: An Applied Approach
ISBN 9780139229640 , 2000 , Naresh K. Malhotra, Dr. David F. Birks
Essential Knowledge for Research in Marketing
ISBN 9780761926993 , 2012 , Gerald Zaltman, Jon Scott Armstrong,m.fl.
Applications in Basic Marketing 2006-2007 to Accompany Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071116404 , 2006 , William D. Perreault Jr.
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation: Global Edition
ISBN 9780136094234 , 2009 , Naresh Malhotra, SPSS Inc.
Marketing Research, Seventh Edition with SPSS
ISBN 9780471755289 , 2006 , 7. utgave , Carl D. McDaniel