Søk: 'Brecht and political theatre: The mother on stage'
Brecht and political theatre: The mother on stage
ISBN 9780199286584 , 2006 , Laura Bradley
Brecht: Mother Courage and her Children
ISBN 9780521597746 , 1997 , Michael Robinson, Peter Thomson, Vivien Gardner
Berthold Brecht
ISBN 9780791063637 , 2002 , Harold Bloom
The Mother
ISBN 9780802131607 , 1994 , Bertolt Brecht
The theory of the modern stage: an introduction to modern theatre and drama
ISBN 9780140171785 , 1992 , Eric Bentley
The lost mother
ISBN 9780143036456 , 2006 , Mary McGarry Morris
The Good Mother
ISBN 9780575403208 , 2001 , Sue Miller
Lillian Gish: A Life on Stage and Screen
ISBN 9780786440757 , 2009 , Stuart Oderman
Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre
ISBN 9780713687019 , 2007 , Keith Johnstone
The Midwife-Mother Relationship
ISBN 9780230577367 , 2010
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract
ISBN 9780199538966 , 2008 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques
The Essential Theatre
ISBN 9781285080604 , 2013 , Oscar Gross Brockett, Robert J. Ball
Hollywood on Stage: Playwrights Evaluate the Culture Industry
ISBN 9780815328230 , 1997 , By King.
Theatre and Education
ISBN 9780230218574 , 2009 , Helen Nicholson
"Mother Courage and Her Children"
ISBN 9780413492708 , 2012 , Bertolt Brecht, John Willett, Hugh Rorrison
Learning through theatre: new perspectives on Theatre in Education
ISBN 9780415086103 , 1993 , Tony Jackson, Anthony Jackson
The essential theatre
ISBN 9780534577858 , 2004 , Oscar Gross Brockett, Robert J. Ball
Theatre, Education and Performance
ISBN 9780230574236 , 2011 , Helen Nicholson
"Mother Courage and Her Children"
ISBN 9781408125755 , 2010 , Bertolt Brecht, Tony Kushner
Female Playwrights and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Negotiating Marriage on the London Stage
ISBN 9780312239381 , 2002 , Misty G. Anderson
Mother Courage and Her Children
ISBN 9780713684667 , 2006 , Bertolt Brecht, John Willett, Michael Hofmann
Brecht and Company: Sex, Politics, and the Making of the Modern Drama
ISBN 9780802139108 , 2002 , John Fuegi
Bertolt Brecht: (1898 - 1956)
ISBN 9788252536669 , 1999 , 1. utgave , Bertolt Brecht
Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre
ISBN 9780878301171 , 1987 , Keith Johnstone
The Truth: Stage Adaptation
ISBN 9780413771162 , 2002 , Terry Pratchett, Stephen Briggs
Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage
ISBN 9780226648477 , 2004 , Gail Kern Paster
Jacques Lecoq and the British Theatre
ISBN 9780415270250 , 2001 , Ralph Yarrow, Franc Chamberlain
History of the Theatre
ISBN 9780205511860 , 2007 , Oscar Gross Brockett, Franklin Joseph Hildy
The Theory of the Modern Stage
ISBN 9780141189185 , 2008 , Eric Bentley
Jacques Lecoq and the British Theatre
ISBN 9780415270243 , 2001 , Ralph Yarrow, Franc Chamberlain