Søk: 'Britannia, Europa and Christendom'
Britannia, Europa and Christendom
ISBN 9780230627697 , 2006 , Dr Philip Coupland
Britannia, Europa and Christendom: British Christians and European Integration
ISBN 9781403939128 , 2006 , Philip Coupland
Next Christendom
ISBN 9780199877492 , 2011 , Philip Jenkins
Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780582382497 , 2000 , David Reynolds
ISBN 9788791348105 , 2003
ISBN 9788270103614 , 2001
The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D. 200-1000
ISBN 9781118301265 , 2013 , Peter Brown
Europa, Europa: historien om en fransk besettelse
ISBN 9788251925662 , 2011 , George Chabert
Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
ISBN 9780199767465 , 2012 , Philip Jenkins
ISBN 9788253033549 , 2010 , Kjell Dahle, Håkan Larsson
Europa 1300-1550
ISBN 9788200454069 , 2000 , Steinar Imsen
Bilatlas Europa
ISBN 9788202234164 , 2004
Europa blues
ISBN 9788204099662 , 2004 , Arne Dahl, Einar Blomgren
ISBN 9788791348136 , 2003
Politikk i Europa: partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform
ISBN 9788215022208 , 2013 , Knut Heidar, Elisabeth Bakke, Einar Berntzen
Medieetik i Europa
ISBN 9789185355556 , 2007 , Olof Petersson, Claude Jean Bertrand
The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity 200-1000 AD
ISBN 9780631221388 , 2003 , Peter Robert Lamont Brown
Religionskrig i Europa 1450-1700
ISBN 9788202281458 , 2013 , Gunnar W. Knutsen
Europa på boks
ISBN 9788257315559 , 2004 , 1. utgave
NAF guide Europa
ISBN 9788271671112 , 2004
Politikk i Europa: partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform
ISBN 9788215012841 , 2008 , Knut Heidar, Elisabeth Bakke, Einar Berntzen
Skattejakt i Europa
ISBN 9788203226380 , 2002 , Judith Miller
Norden och Europa
ISBN 9789289301671 , 1998 , Ernst Håkon Jahr
The next christendom: the coming of global Christianity
ISBN 9780195183078 , 2007 , Philip Jenkins
The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
ISBN 9780195168914 , 2003 , Philip Jenkins
Europa 1300-1550
ISBN 9788200216216 , 1993 , Steinar Imsen
Amerikabrevet: Europa i fare
ISBN 9788292395349 , 2007 , Hallgrim Berg
Europa Och Latinet
ISBN 9789127035911 , 1993 , Bo Lindberg
The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
ISBN 9780198033417 , 2002 , Philip Jenkins
Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000
ISBN 9780511058660 , 2003 , Hugh McLeod, McLeod/Ustorf