Søk: 'Change Wars'
Change Wars
ISBN 9781742393193 , 2009 , Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan, Michael Barber
Obama's wars
ISBN 9781849832205 , 2011 , Bob Woodward, Barack Obama
Obama's Wars
ISBN 9781439172506 , 2011 , Bob Woodward
Oil Wars
ISBN 9780745324784 , 2007 , Mary Kaldor, Yahia Said
Faerie Wars
ISBN 9781582349435 , 2004 , Herbie Brennan
Blair's wars
ISBN 9780743248303 , 2004 , John Kampfner, Tony Blair
Faerie Wars
ISBN 9780747559443 , 2003 , Herbie Brennan
Faerie Wars: Rejacketed
ISBN 9780747591016 , 2008 , Herbie Brennan
Leading Change
ISBN 9781422186435 , 2012 , John P. Kotter
Star Wars: Tatooine Ghost
ISBN 9780345456694 , 2003 , Troy Denning
Organization Change
ISBN 9781452257235 , 2013 , W. Warner Burke
A Pleasant Change from Politics: Music and the British Labour Movement Between the Wars
ISBN 9781873797297 , 2001 , Duncan Hall
Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication
ISBN 9781405191890 , 2011
Star wars; farlig planet
ISBN 9788204073372 , 2001 , Greg Bear
Managing Change
ISBN 9780273711742 , 2009 , Bernard Burnes
Star wars: komplett leksikon
ISBN 9788251787505 , 1999 , David West Reynolds
Development and Social Change
ISBN 9781412992077 , 2012 , Philip McMichael
Organization Development and Change
ISBN 9781133190455 , 2013 , Thomas Cummings, Christopher Worley
Hot Topic - Cold Comfort: Climate Change and Attitude Change
ISBN 9788293089032 , 2012 , Gudmund Hernes, Nordforsk,m.fl.
Civil Wars, Insecurity, and Intervention
ISBN 9780231116275 , 1999 , Jack L. Snyder
Israel's Wars: A History Since 1947
ISBN 9780415424387 , 2009 , Ahron Bregman
Star Wars. Klistremerker i hefte
ISBN 9788251785259 , 2000
Change of State
ISBN 9780262513241 , 2009 , Sandra Braman
Fundamental Change: International Handbook of Educational Change
ISBN 9781402032912 , 2005 , Andy Hargreaves
Seriously Not All Right: Five Wars in Ten Years
ISBN 9781936182589 , 2014 , Ron Capps
Leading Change
ISBN 9780875847474 , 1996 , John P. Kotter
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
ISBN 9781118360637 , 2013 , Joe Tidd
Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit
ISBN 9780896086500 , 2002 , Vandana Shiva
Israel's Wars: A History Since 1947
ISBN 9780415287166 , 2002 , Ahron Bregman
Wars, guns, and votes : democracy in dangerous places
ISBN 9781847920218 , 2009 , Paul Collier