Søk: 'Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness'
Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness
ISBN 9780816618903 , 1992 , Elizabeth Ewen
The Origins and History of Consciousness
ISBN 9780691163598 , 2014 , R. F. C. Hull, Erich Neumann
Zen and the Art of Consciousness
ISBN 9781851687985 , 2011 , Susan Blackmore
The Channels of Acupuncture: Clinical Use of the Secondary Channels And Eight Extraordinary Vessels
ISBN 9780443074912 , 2006 , Giovanni Maciocia
The origins and history of consciousness
ISBN 9781849400381 , 1986 , Erich Neumann
The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness
ISBN 9781591430285 , 2004
Images of the Multinational Firm
ISBN 9781405147002 , 2009 , Simon Collinson, Glenn Morgan
Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture
ISBN 9780231129275 , 2004
Managing channels of distribution
ISBN 9780814403358 , 1998
American Furies: Crime, Punishment, and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment
ISBN 9780807042229 , 2007
Images of Organization
ISBN 9781412939799 , 2006 , Gareth Morgan
Science and the Riddle of Consciousness: A Solution
ISBN 9780130200044 , 2001 , Russell C Hibbeler
The Myth of Sanity: Divided Consciousness and the Promise of Awareness
ISBN 9780142000557 , 2002 , Martha Stout
A Franz Boas Reader: The Shaping of American Anthropology, 1883-1911
ISBN 9780226062433 , 1989 , Franz Boas, George W. Stocking
Christmas at the Movies: Images of Christmas in American, British and European Cinema
ISBN 9781860643972 , 2000
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
ISBN 9780471457282 , 2006 , Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt,m.fl.
Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire
ISBN 9780415930154 , 2002 , Vijay Mishra
The Love of Learning and the Desire for God
ISBN 9780823204076 , 1982 , Jean Leclercq
Desire Provoketh: The Story of the Hudson Mutiny
ISBN 9781904959328 , 2005 , George Foster Leal
Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire
ISBN 9780415930147 , 2002 , Vijay Mishra
The feeling of what happens: body and emotion and the making of consciousness
ISBN 9780099288763 , 2000 , Antonio R. Damasio
Images of Power
ISBN 9780824816469 , 1994 , Hildred Geertz
Captains of consciousness: advertising and the social roots of the consumer culture
ISBN 9780465021550 , 2001
American Photography 23: Selected Images
ISBN 9781886212282 , 2007
Anorexia and Mimetic Desire
ISBN 9781611860870 , 2013 , Rene Girard
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
ISBN 9780470501979 , 2011 , Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt,m.fl.
Reading Images: The Grammar Of Visual Design
ISBN 9780415319157 , 2006 , Gunther R. Kress, Theo Van Leeuwen
The biology of mind: origins and structures of mind, brain, and consciousness
ISBN 9781891786075 , 1999 , M. Deric Bownds
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
ISBN 9780471794714 , 2007 , Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
ISBN 9780415964722 , 2008 , Patricia Hill Collins