Søk: 'Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis'
Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis
ISBN 9780198501381 , 1998
Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781401811563 , 2003
Dance Analysis, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781852730031 , 1994 , Janet Adshead-Lansdale
Clinical Gait Analysis: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9780443100093 , 2005
Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781609180454 , 2010
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781118526866 , 2014 , Peter T. Coleman, Eric C. Marcus
Leadership: Theory and Practice
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The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
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The Theory and Analysis of Drama
ISBN 9780521423830 , 1991
Public policy: an introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis
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The Theory and Practice of Hydrodynamics and Vibration
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Strategy: Theory and Practice
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The Theory and Practice of Hydrodynamics and Vibration
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The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
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Leadership : theory and practice
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Cryptography: Theory And Practice
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Transformed Cladistics, Taxonomy and Evolution
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Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice: Contributions and Controversies
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Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
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International Management: Theory and Practice
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Operations Management: Theory and Practice
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Leadership: Theory and Practice
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Literature for the English classroom: theory into practice
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Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice
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Health promotion : theory and practice
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Systems Engineering : Theory and Practice
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Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: theory, methods and practice
ISBN 9780803977600 , 1995 , Udo Kelle, Gerald Prein, Katherine Bird
The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis
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Cost-benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice
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