Søk: 'Classical Theory Reader: Marx, Weber and Durkheim in Perspective'
Classical Theory Reader: Marx, Weber and Durkheim in Perspective
ISBN 9781577180982 , 2007 , David Smith
Understanding Classical Sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
ISBN 9780761954668 , 2003 , John A. Hughes, Peter J. Martin, W. W. Sharrock
Understanding classical sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
ISBN 9780803986367 , 1995 , Wes W. Sharrock, Peter J. Martin, J. A. Hughes
Classical Social Theory: An Introduction to the Thought of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Simmel
ISBN 9780198781172 , 1997
Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought
ISBN 9780761970569 , 2006 , Ken Morrison
The Marx-Engels Reader
ISBN 9780393090406 , 1978 , Robert C. Tucker
ISBN 9780077108625 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780073528175 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Classical Electromagnetic Theory
ISBN 9781402026997 , 2004
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072296068 , 1999 , George Ritzer
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780761987802 , 2002
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212881 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072824308 , 2003 , Dr George Ritzer, Douglas J. Goodman
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212874 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071225786 , 1999 , George Ritzer
Classical sociological theory
ISBN 9780070530171 , 1996 , George Ritzer
Cultural Theory: Classical and Contemporary Positions
ISBN 9780761948636 , 2007 , Tim Edwards
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781412992336 , 2011 , Scott A. Appelrouth
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972426 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Classical Theory of Electromagnetism
ISBN 9789812382191 , 2003 , Baldassare Di Bartolo
Classical Sociological Theory, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781405148542 , 2011 , 2. utgave
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9780761927938 , 2008
The Film Theory Reader: Debates and Arguments
ISBN 9780415493222 , 2010 , Marc Furstenau
Marx and Marxism
ISBN 9780415285360 , 2002
Reader in Archaeological Theory: Post-processual and Cognitive Approaches
ISBN 9780415173605 , 1998 , David S. Whitley
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
ISBN 9780131970694 , 2006 , John Storey
A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory
ISBN 9780134425672 , 1996 , Peter Brooker, Peter Widdowson
Cultural Theory And Popular Culture: A Reader
ISBN 9780820328492 , 2006 , 3. utgave , John Storey
ISBN 9780674218659 , 1973 , Ernest Wallwork