Søk: 'Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique'
Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique
ISBN 9780520238916 , 2004
Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique
ISBN 9780520238626 , 2004
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071318310 , 2012 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780073386164 , 2010 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071220576 , 2010 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071286442 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780073535104 , 2012 , David Bordwell
Film art: an introduction
ISBN 9780073310275 , 2008 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071215923 , 2004 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780072878806 , 2003 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071180016 , 2001 , David Bordwell
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780072389326 , 2000 , David Bordwell
Film art: an introduction
ISBN 9780071140737 , 1997 , David Bordwell
Narrative in Fiction and Film: An Introduction
ISBN 9780198752325 , 2000 , Jakob Lothe
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
ISBN 9781107614444 , 2014 , Richard Eldridge
Film, Art, and Filmart: An Introduction to Aesthetics Through Film
ISBN 9780761837213 , 2007 , Michael D. Dahnke
An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique
ISBN 9780262621960 , 2005 , Steven J. Luck
Film Art: An Introduction with Tutorial CD
ISBN 9780071101592 , 2008 , David Bordwell
Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative
ISBN 9780802096319 , 2009 , Mieke Bal
The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative
ISBN 9780521715157 , 2008 , H.porter Abbott
The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative
ISBN 9780521887199 , 2008 , H.porter Abbott
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071267946 , 2009 , David Bordwell
The Film Experience: An Introduction
ISBN 9780230223295 , 2009 , Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White
Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies
ISBN 9780393934915 , 2010 , Bill Nichols
The Film Experience: An Introduction
ISBN 9780312255664 , 2004 , Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White
Film Art: An Introduction with Film Viewer's Guide and Tutorial CD
ISBN 9780071118804 , 2005 , David Bordwell, BORDWELL
A History of Narrative Film
ISBN 9780393978681 , 2004 , David A. Cook
The Film Experience: An Introduction
ISBN 9781403932341 , 2004 , Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White
The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
ISBN 9781591025320 , 2007 , Nicolas Capaldi, Miles Smit
Film Art: And an Introduction with the Movie Business Book
ISBN 9780077116668 , 2006 , David Bordwell