Søk: 'Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction'
Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction
ISBN 9780132677714 , 2013 , Marjie T. Britz
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation
ISBN 9780763779979 , 2010 , John R. Vacca
Computer and Intrusion Forensics
ISBN 9781580533690 , 2003 , Alison Anderson
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations
ISBN 9781435498839 , 2009 , Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Christopher Steuart
Computer Forensics: An Essential Guide for Accountants, Lawyers, and Managers
ISBN 9780471789321 , 2007
Computer Forensics: A Pocket Guide
ISBN 9781849280396 , 2010
Computer forensics: incident response essentials
ISBN 9780201707199 , 2001
Computer Forensics: A Real World Guide
ISBN 9780849392528 , 2009
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781403901644 , 2003 , Antony Carter, Robert Hind, B.S. Chalk
Incident Response & Computer Forensics, 2nd Ed.
ISBN 9780072226966 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Chris Prosise, Kevin Mandia
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333645512 , 1996 , B. S. Chalk
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781590282410 , 2010 , John Zelle
Java: An Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
ISBN 9780131217270 , 2003 , Walter J. Savitch, Robert C. Fay, Savitch
Ethics and Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521702676 , 2012 , Adam Briggle, Carl Mitcham
An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
ISBN 9780470017043 , 2009 , Boguslaw Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781446201985 , 2013 , Katja Franko Aas
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781887902991 , 2004 , John M. Zelle
Forensic Linguistics: Second Edition: An Introduction To Language, Crime and the Law
ISBN 9780826493088 , 2008 , 2. utgave , John Olsson
An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java
ISBN 9780071122320 , 2002 , Samuel N. Kamin, Dennis Mickunas
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780273751397 , 2011 , J. Glenn Brookshear, Soumen Mukherjee,m.fl.
Computer Programming: An Introduction for the Scientifically Inclined
ISBN 9789081278812 , 2008 , Sander Stoks
Introduction to Computer Security
ISBN 9780321702012 , 2011
Introduction to Digital Computer Design, An, 4th ed.
ISBN 9788120310049 , 2004 , 4. utgave , V. Rajaraman, T. Radhakrishnan
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781412912907 , 2007 , Katja Franko Aas
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780321544285 , 2008 , J. Glenn Brookshear
Introduction to Computer Security
ISBN 9780321512949 , 2010
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781412912891 , 2007 , Katja Franko Aas
White Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective
ISBN 9780415956642 , 2008
White Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective
ISBN 9780203880432 , 2009 , Michael Benson, Sally Simpson
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780132569033 , 2011 , J.Glenn Brookshear