Søk: 'Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction'
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781403901644 , 2003 , Antony Carter, Robert Hind, B.S. Chalk
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333645512 , 1996 , B. S. Chalk
ISBN 9780070273559 , 1998 , 3. utgave , John Patrick Hayes
Computer architecture and organization: an integrated approach
ISBN 9780471733881 , 2007 , Miles J. Murdocca, Vincent P. Heuring
Computer Architecture and Organization
ISBN 9788179924693 , 2008 , P. Chakraborthy
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
ISBN 9780123944245 , 2012 , David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
Computer Organization and Architecture
ISBN 9788176565233 , 2003 , Madhulika Jain, Prof. Satish Jain, Vineeta Pillai
Understanding Architecture: An Introduction to Architecture and Architectural History
ISBN 9780415320597 , 2004 , Hazel Conway, Rowan Conway
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
ISBN 9780123704979 , 2007 , David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
Computer Architecture and Organization
ISBN 9780071159975 , 1998 , John P. Hayes
Computer Architecture
ISBN 9780818607042 , 1988 , Daniel D. Gajski, M. Milutinovic Veljko,m.fl.
Computer Architecture And Organization
ISBN 9780203168820 , 1990 , Ian East
Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction
ISBN 9780132677714 , 2013 , Marjie T. Britz
An Assembly Language Introduction to Computer Architecture: Using the Intel Pentium
ISBN 9780195123760 , 1999 , Karen Miller
Computer Architecture: CD-ROM
ISBN 9780123704900 , 2007 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson,m.fl.
Classification Made Simple: An Introduction to Knowledge Organisation and Information Retrieval
ISBN 9780754675587 , 2009
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
ISBN 9780123838728 , 2011 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
ISBN 9780132936330 , 2012 , William Stallings
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781590282410 , 2010 , John Zelle
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
ISBN 9780136073734 , 2009 , William Stallings
Java: An Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
ISBN 9780131217270 , 2003 , Walter J. Savitch, Robert C. Fay, Savitch
Computer Organization And Architecture: Designing For Performance
ISBN 9780131856448 , 2006 , William Stallings
An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms
ISBN 9780470017043 , 2009 , Boguslaw Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert
Ethics and Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521702676 , 2012 , Adam Briggle, Carl Mitcham
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
ISBN 9780130493071 , 2003 , William Stallings
Computer architecture: a quantitative approach
ISBN 9781558607248 , 2003 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson,m.fl.
Computer architecture: a quantitative approach
ISBN 9781558605961 , 2002 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson,m.fl.
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781887902991 , 2004 , John M. Zelle
The architecture of computer hardware and systems software: an information technology approach
ISBN 9780471073253 , 2003 , Irv Englander
Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance
ISBN 9780130812940 , 2000 , William Stallings