Søk: 'Computer Programming: An Introduction for the Scientifically Inclined'
Computer Programming: An Introduction for the Scientifically Inclined
ISBN 9789081278812 , 2008 , Sander Stoks
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781590282410 , 2010 , John Zelle
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781887902991 , 2004 , John M. Zelle
Java: An Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
ISBN 9780131217270 , 2003 , Walter J. Savitch, Robert C. Fay, Savitch
The Object Concept: An Introduction to Computer Programming Using C++
ISBN 9780534204969 , 1995 , Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield
Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3
ISBN 9781937785451 , 2013 , Paul Gries, Jason Montojo
An Introduction to Parallel Programming
ISBN 9780123742605 , 2011 , Peter Pacheco
Altruistically Inclined?
ISBN 9780472112241 , 2002
Computer Programming in Fortran 77: With an Introduction to FORTRAN 90
ISBN 9788120311725 , 2004 , V. Rajaraman, V. Rajaram
Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction
ISBN 9780132677714 , 2013 , Marjie T. Britz
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781403901644 , 2003 , Antony Carter, Robert Hind, B.S. Chalk
Computer Organisation and Architecture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333645512 , 1996 , B. S. Chalk
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming
ISBN 9780132162708 , 2011 , Walter J. Savitch, Kenrick Mock
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
ISBN 9781584500377
The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental algorithms
ISBN 9780321751041 , 2011
Introduction to Programming in Python: An Interdisciplinary Approach
ISBN 9780134076430 , 2015
Introduction to A. P. L. and Computer Programming
ISBN 9780471352013 , 1977
An Introduction to Network Programming with Java
ISBN 9781846283802 , 2006 , Jan Graba
An Introduction to the Pl/Cv2 Programming Logic
ISBN 9783540114925 , 1982 , Robert L. Constable, S. D. Johnson,m.fl.
Computer Graphics: Programming in OpenGL for Uisual Communication
ISBN 9780131452541 , 2007 , Jennifer Fulton, Aaron Weiss, Steve Cunningham
Bioethics: an introduction for the biosciences
ISBN 9780199214303 , 2008
Java: an introduction to problem solving & programming
ISBN 9780131492028 , 2004 , Walter J. Savitch
An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java
ISBN 9780071122320 , 2002 , Samuel N. Kamin, Dennis Mickunas
Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780273751397 , 2011 , J. Glenn Brookshear, Soumen Mukherjee,m.fl.
Mathematics for 3d Game Programming and Computer Graphics
ISBN 9781584502777 , 2003
You can do it!: a beginner's introduction to computer programming
ISBN 9780470863985 , 2004 , Francis Glassborow
A Natural Introduction to Computer Programming With Java: Version 5.0
ISBN 9781412081528 , 2006 , Kari Laitinen
Computer Concepts and C Programming
ISBN 9788170081135 , 2005 , J.B. Dixit
An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
ISBN 9780470232866 , 2008 , Gerard E. Keough, Paul R. Thie
A Cup of Java: An Introduction to Programming
ISBN 9780757574412 , 2010 , J. Denbigh Starkey