Søk: 'Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design'
Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design
ISBN 9780471780120 , 2006 , Lars Josefsson, Patrik Persson
Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design
ISBN 9780471465843 , 2006 , Patrik Persson, Lars Joseffsson
Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780471667827 , 2005 , Constantine A. Balanis
Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471025900 , 1998 , 2. utgave , Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele
Antenna Theory & Design, Revised Edition
ISBN 9780471449966 , 2003 , Robert S. Elliott
Antenna Theory
ISBN 9780471714620 , 2005 , Constantine A. Balanis
The Antenna Handbook: Theory, Applications, and Design
ISBN 9780442258436 , 1988 , S.W. Lee, Y. T. Lo
Conformal field theory
ISBN 9780738202044 , 2000 , Yavuz Nutku, Cihan Saclioglu, Teoman Turgut
Foundations of Antenna Theory and Techniques
ISBN 9780130262677 , 2004 , Vincent F. Fusco
Sol Man Antenna and Theory Des
ISBN 9780471094418 , 1981 , Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele
A Mathematical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
ISBN 9783540686255 , 2008 , Martin Schottenloher
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9781408072370 , 2014 , Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Organizational Theory and Design
ISBN 9781844809905 , 2010 , Hugh Willmott, Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Conformal Field Theory: New Non-Perturbative Methods in String and Field Theory
ISBN 9780813342146 , 2004 , Yavuz Nutku, Cihan Saclioglu, Teoman Turgut
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780195392074 , 2009 , Chi-Tsong Chen
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
ISBN 9780136087311 , 2009 , Gareth R. Jones
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9780324021004 , 2000 , Richard L. Daft
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
ISBN 9780132729949 , 2012 , Gareth R. Jones
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9780538879026 , 1997 , Richard L. Daft
Organization Theory and Design (ISE)
ISBN 9780324282788 , 2004 , Richard L. Daft
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780273765608 , 2012 , Gareth R. Jones
Game Design: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781556229121 , 2004 , Richard Rouse, Steve Ogden
Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
ISBN 9781847885371 , 2009 , Kjetil Fallan
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
ISBN 9780470646182 , 2011 , Richard S. Figliola, Donald E. Beasley
RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780131471375 , 2008 , Gene Bogdanov, Reinhold Ludwig
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780195117776 , 1999 , Chi-Tsong Chen
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application
ISBN 9780470015001 , 2009 , Jon G. McGowan, Anthony L. Rogers,m.fl.
Organization theory: research and design
ISBN 9780023339301 , 1993 , William M. Evan
Fuzzy Controller Design: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780849337475 , 2005 , Zdenko Kovacic, Stjepan Bogdan
Linear System Theory and Design: International Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780199964543 , 2014 , 4. utgave , Chi-Tsong Chen, Bahram Shafai