Søk: 'Constructing Early Christian Families: Family as a Social Reality and Metaphor'
Constructing Early Christian Families: Family As Social Reality and Metaphor
ISBN 9780415146395 , 1997 , Halvor Moxnes
Constructing Early Christian Families: Family as a Social Reality and Metaphor
ISBN 9780415146388 , 1997 , Halvor Moxnes
A Christian Theology of Marriage and Family
ISBN 9780809141180 , 2003 , Julie Hanlon Rubio
Illness as Metaphor: And AIDS and Its Metaphors
ISBN 9780141187129 , 2002 , Susan Sontag
Building the Text: Architecture As Metaphor in Late Medieval and Early Modern France
ISBN 9780198159599 , 1998 , David Cowling
Families, Violence and Social Change
ISBN 9780335215980 , 2004 , Zygmunt Bauman
Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe
ISBN 9780521779340 , 2004 , Gerd Althoff
Early Sociology of Family
ISBN 9788130701479 , 2008 , John McLennan
Metaphor: A Practical Introduction
ISBN 9780195374940 , 2010 , Zoltan Kovescses
Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method
ISBN 9781412960182 , 2010 , Charles C. Ragin, Lisa M. Amoroso
Art as a Social System
ISBN 9780804739078 , 2000 , Niklas Luhmann, Eva M. Knodt
Art as a Social System
ISBN 9780804739061 , 2002 , Niklas Luhmann, Eva M. Knodt
Constructing Childhood: Theory, Policy and Social Practice
ISBN 9780333948910 , 2004 , Allison James, Adrian L. James
Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian Texts
ISBN 9780300069181 , 1997 , Harry Y. Gamble
The New Testament and Other Early Christian Writings: A Reader
ISBN 9780195154641 , 2003 , Bart D. Ehrman
Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life
ISBN 9780230246133 , 2011 , Esther Dermott, Julie Seymour
A new vision of reality: Western science, Eastern mysticism and Christian faith
ISBN 9780872431805 , 2002 , Bede Griffiths, Felicity Edwards
Metaphor and Emotion
ISBN 9780511036378 , 2000
ISBN 9780195145113 , 2002
Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse
ISBN 9780567030351 , 2009
Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse
ISBN 9780567346636 , 2009 , Todd Penner
The Social Reality of Crime
ISBN 9780765806789 , 2001 , Richard Quinney, A. Javier Treviño
The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings
ISBN 9780199757534 , 2011 , Bart D. Ehrman
Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation
ISBN 9780787987848 , 2007 , Robert W. Covert, David Colton
The Construction of Social Reality
ISBN 9780140235906 , 1996 , John R. Searle
John Searle and the Construction of Social Reality
ISBN 9780826485861 , 2005 , Joshua Rust
Myth and the Christian Nation: A Social Theory of Religion
ISBN 9781845533724 , 2008 , Burton L. Mack
Changing Families, Changing Responsibilities: Family Obligations Following Divorce and Remarriage
ISBN 9780805826913 , 1999 , Lawrence H. Ganong, Marilyn Coleman
A Network of Converso Families in Early Modern Toledo: Assimilating a Minority
ISBN 9780472112692 , 2003 , Linda Martz
Children and Families in the Social Environment
ISBN 9780202360799 , 1992 , James Garbarino