Søk: 'Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Systems'
Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Systems
ISBN 9783540279389 , 2005 , Thomas Meurer, Knut Graichen, Ernst Dieter Gilles
Intelligent Observer and Control Design for Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9783642083464 , 2010 , Dierk Schroder, U. Lenz, M. Beuschel, F.D. Hangl,m.fl.
Representation and Control of Infinite-dimensional Systems
ISBN 9780817644611 , 2006 , Alain Bensoussan, Giuseppe Da Prato,m.fl.
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
ISBN 9783642115493 , 2011 , Daizhan Cheng, Xiaoming Hu, Tielong Shen
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
ISBN 9783540743576 , 2007 , Lorenzo Marconi, Alessandro Astolfi
Feedforward Control Design for Finite-Time Transition Problems of Nonlinear Systems with Input and Output Constraints
ISBN 9783832257477 , 2006 , Knut Graichen
Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures
ISBN 9780471987734 , 2000 , Ted Belytschko, Brian Moran
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems: In Honor of Alberto Isidori
ISBN 9783642093784 , 2010 , Lorenzo Marconi, Alessandro Astolfi
Modern Control Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780471811930 , 1993 , Thomas L. Vincent, Walter Jervis Grantham
Hierarchical Nonlinear Switching Control Design with Applications to Propulsion Systems
ISBN 9781852333355 , 2000 , Alexander Leonessa, Wassim M. Haddad,m.fl.
Algebraic Groups and Their Generalizations: Quantum and Infinite-Dimensional Methods
ISBN 9780821815410 , 1994 , American Mathematical Society
Design Of Nonlinear Control Systems With The Highest Derivative In Feedback
ISBN 9789812388995 , 2004 , Valery D. Yurkevich
Cellular manufacturing systems: design, planning and control
ISBN 9780412557101 , 1996 , Nanua Singh, Divakar Rajamani
Extending H-infinity Control to Nonlinear Systems: Control of Nonlinear Systems to Achieve Performance Objectives
ISBN 9780898714401 , 1987 , Matthew R. James, Ralph Smith, J. William Helton
Discontinuous Control Systems: Frequency-Domain Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780817647520 , 2008 , Igor Boiko
Control Theory: Multivariable and Nonlinear Methods
ISBN 9780748408788 , 2000 , Torkel Glad, Lennart Ljung
Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9780130673893 , 2001 , Hassan K. Khalil
Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9780131227408 , 2002 , Hassan K. Khalil
Control Systems and Mechatronics
ISBN 9781842654392 , 2007 , J. Srinivas, Goutam Brahmachari
Instrumentation and Control Systems
ISBN 9780750664325 , 2004
Access Control for Databases: Concepts and Systems
ISBN 9781601984166 , 2011 , Elisa Bertino, Gabriel Ghinita, Ashish Kamra
Computer systems for automation and control
ISBN 9780134575810 , 1992 , Gustaf Olsson, Gianguido Piani
Applied Nonlinear Control
ISBN 9780130408907 , 1990 , Jean-Jacques E. Slotine, Weiping Li
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781118093740 , 2012 , Alan Dennis, Roberta M. Roth
Adaptive Finite Elements in Linear and Nonlinear Solid and Structural Mechanics
ISBN 9783211269756 , 2005 , Erwin Stein
Mechanical design handbook: measurement, analysis, and control of dynamic systems
ISBN 9780071466363 , 2006
Heating Systems, Plant and Control
ISBN 9780632059379 , 2003 , Antony R. Day, Martin S. Ratcliffe,m.fl.
Systems Analysis And Design
ISBN 9780471722571 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Control: Proceedings Of...
ISBN 9783540119760 , 1982 , Andrea Moro, S. K. Mitter
Automation Systems for Control and Data Acquisition
ISBN 9781556173905 , 1992 , L.T. Amy