Søk: 'Convergence Media History'
Convergence Media History
ISBN 9780203883433 , 2009 , Janet Staiger, Sabine Hake
Convergence Media History
ISBN 9780415996617 , 2009 , Sabine Hake, Janet Kay Staiger
Convergence Media History
ISBN 9780415996624 , 2009 , Janet Staiger, Sabine Hake
Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780230228948 , 2011 , Sherman Young
Legitimating Television: Media Convergence and Cultural Status
ISBN 9780415880268 , 2011 , Michael Z. Newman, Elana Levine
Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide
ISBN 9780814742952 , 2008 , Henry Jenkins
Convergence Culture
ISBN 9780814742815 , 2006 , Henry Jenkins
Convergence and Fragmentation: Media Technology and the Information Society
ISBN 9781841501826 , 2008
A History of Media
ISBN 9781553692409 , 2002 , W. Lambert Gardiner
Media Ownership: The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media
ISBN 9780761966814 , 2002 , Gillian Doyle
New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader
ISBN 9780415942249 , 2005 , Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Thomas Keenan
Media i samfunnet
ISBN 9788252183351 , 2013 , Ture Schwebs
The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media
ISBN 9780199970780 , 2013
Media Events: The Live Broadcasting of History
ISBN 9780674559561 , 1994 , Elihu Katz
Media Effects
ISBN 9781412964692 , 2012
A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
ISBN 9780745644950 , 2010 , Asa Briggs, Peter Burke
Media i samfunnet
ISBN 9788252170153 , 2007 , Ture Schwebs
Iconic Events: Media, Power, and Politics in Retelling History
ISBN 9780739115206 , 2007 , Patricia Leavy
Iconic events: media, politics, and power in retelling history
ISBN 9780739115190 , 2007 , Patricia Leavy
Digital Media Ethics
ISBN 9780745656069 , 2013 , Charles M. Ess
Comparative Media History: An Introduction: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745632438 , 2005 , Jane L. Chapman
Comparative Media History: An Introduction: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745632421 , 2005 , Jane L. Chapman
Reduction Levels in Subtitling: DVD Subtitling: A Convergence of Trends
ISBN 9783838314549 , 2010 , Panayota Georgakopoulou
Understanding Media Economics
ISBN 9781412930772 , 2013 , Gillian Doyle
Understanding Social Media
ISBN 9781446201213 , 2013 , Sam Hinton, Larissa Hjorth
The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era
ISBN 9780472052158 , 2014 , Trine Syvertsen, Gunn Sara Enli, Hallvard Moe,m.fl.
Media discourses: analysing media texts
ISBN 9780335214693 , 2005
Always already new: media, history and the data of culture
ISBN 9780262072717 , 2006
Tactical Media
ISBN 9780816651511 , 2009 , Rita Raley
Media discourses: analysing media texts
ISBN 9780335214709 , 2005