Søk: 'Cooperatives and Local Development: Theory and Applications for the 21st Century /'
Cooperatives and Local Development: Theory and Applications for the 21st Century /
ISBN 9780765611239 , 2004 , Christopher D. Merrett, Norman Walzer
Challenging Global Inequality: Development Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781403948243 , 2007 , Mark Turner, David Hulme, Alastair Greig
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781412980449 , 2011 , Robert F. DeVellis
Geographies of Development in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847209665 , 2008 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy MacIlwaine
Scale development: theory and applications
ISBN 9780761926054 , 2003 , Robert F. DeVellis
Local and Regional Development
ISBN 9780415357180 , 2006 , Andy Pike, John Tomaney, A. Rodriguez-Pose
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780761926047 , 2003 , Robert F. DeVellis
Mass Communication: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
ISBN 9788176295079 , 2004
Development and Local Knowledge
ISBN 9780415511162 , 2011 , Alan Bicker, Johan Pottier, Paul Stillitoe
Scale development: theory and applications
ISBN 9780803937758 , 1991 , Robert F. DeVellis
Biosensing for the 21st Century
ISBN 9783540752011 , 2008 , Reinhard Renneberg, Fred Lisdat
Career development interventions in the 21st century
ISBN 9780131138452 , 2004 , Eric Simon, Samuel T. Gladding
Biosensing for the 21st Century
ISBN 9783540752004 , 2007 , Reinhard Renneberg, Fred Lisdat
Design for the 21st century
ISBN 9783822827796 , 2003 , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Interpretation for the 21st Century
ISBN 9781571675224 , 2002 , Larry Beck, Ted Cable
Furniture for the 21st century
ISBN 9780670891696 , 2000
The Handbook of Local and Regional Development
ISBN 9780415548311 , 2010 , Andy Pike, John Tomaney, Andres Rodriguez-Pose
Health and Welfare for Families in the 21st Century
ISBN 9780763718596 , 2003 , Helen M. Wallace, Gordon Green, Kenneth J. Jaros
Child development and social policy: theory and applications
ISBN 9780070727243 , 1999 , Edward Zigler, Nancy Wilson Hall
Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822841228
Health and welfare for families in the 21st century
ISBN 9780763708672 , 1999 , Helen M. Wallace, Gordon Green
Graphic Design For The 21st Century
ISBN 9783822816059 , 2003 , 21. utgave , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Protected Areas and Regional Development in Europe: Towards a New Model for the 21st Century
ISBN 9780754648017 , 2007
The Permanent Revolution: Apostolic Imagination and Practice for the 21st Century Church
ISBN 9780470907740 , 2012 , Mike Breen, Alan Hirsch, Darrell L. Guder
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822824375 , 2004 , Uta Grosenick, Ilka Becker
Women Artists: In the 20th and 21st Century
ISBN 9783822858547 , 2001 , Uta. Grosenick, Ilka Becker
A Road to Development: Africa in the 21st Century
ISBN 9789171063601 , 1995 , Adebayo O. Olukoshi, Lennart Wohlgemuth,m.fl.
New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century
ISBN 9780071324632 , 2012 , Jeffry A. Timmons, Stephen Spinelli
Power transitions: strategies for the 21st century
ISBN 9781889119434 , 2001 , Ronald L. Tammen
New Developments in the Theory of Networks: Franchising, Alliances and Cooperatives
ISBN 9783790826142 , 2011 , Josef Windsperger, Gerard Cliquet,m.fl.