Søk: 'Cross-currents'
ISBN 9788203053016 , 1973 , Lars Aslaksrud
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations I: Cartesian Currents
ISBN 9783642083747 , 2010 , Mariano Giaquinta, Giuseppe Modica, Jiri Soucek
Double Cross
ISBN 9780552559607 , 2009 , Malorie Blackman
@cross: workbook
ISBN 9788204116994 , 2006 , Drew Rodgers, Knut Skifjeld, Celia Sandor,m.fl.
@cross: workbook
ISBN 9788204116987 , 2006 , Drew Rodgers, Knut Skifjeld, Celia Sandor,m.fl.
@cross; workbook
ISBN 9788204095930 , 2004 , Drew Rodgers, Ellen Watkinson, Pamela Kvale,m.fl.
@cross; workbook
ISBN 9788249605774 , 2004 , Drew Rodgers, Ellen Watkinson, Pamela Kvale,m.fl.
Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
ISBN 9780273732952 , 2011 , Roger Price, Marie-Jo'elle Browaeys
@cross; engelsk grunnkurs
ISBN 9788204093912 , 2004
Beyond Learning by Doing: Theoretical Currents in Experiential Education
ISBN 9780415882088 , 2011 , Jay W. Roberts
@cross; teacher's book
ISBN 9788249605781 , 2004 , Drew Rodgers, Hellevi Haugen, Tom W. Hansen,m.fl.
The Fiery Cross
ISBN 9780099710011 , 2002 , Diana Gabaldon
Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
ISBN 9780273703365 , 2008 , Marie-Joelle Browaeys, Roger Price
Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management
ISBN 9788215020235 , 2012 , Richard R. Gesteland
@cross: Textbook : Engelsk Grunnkurs
ISBN 9788249605767 , 2004 , Drew Rodgers, Martin Mulloy, Dilys Brown
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications
ISBN 9780521745208 , 2011
Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
ISBN 9781412939560 , 2008 , David C. Thomas
Lives Accross Cultures: Cross-cultural Human Development
ISBN 9781292040127 , 2013 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry W. Gardiner
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations II: Variational Integrals
ISBN 9783642083754 , 2010 , Mariano Giaquinta, Giuseppe Modica, Jiri Soucek
Lives Aross Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development
ISBN 9780205841745 , 2010 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry W. Gardiner
84 Charing Cross Road
ISBN 9788274881075 , 2000 , Helene Hanff, Morten Claussen, Frank Doel
Cross-Cultural Management: In Work Organisations
ISBN 9781843982432 , 2010 , Ray French
Cross-cultural Business Behavior
ISBN 9788763000253 , 1999 , Richard R. Gesteland
Cross-Cultural Business Negotiations
ISBN 9780275968038 , 1999 , Donald W. Hendon, Rebecca Angeles Hendon,m.fl.
Cross-cultural Business Negotiations
ISBN 9781567200645 , 1996 , Donald W. Hendon, Rebecca Angeles Hendon,m.fl.
The Sextants of Beijing: Global Currents in Chinese History
ISBN 9780393320510 , 2000 , Joanna Waley-Cohen
Cultural Analysis: Towards Cross-cultural Understanding
ISBN 9788763001816 , 2007 , Hans Gullestrup
Cross-Cultural Approaches to Adoption
ISBN 9780415303507 , 2004 , Fiona Bowie
Cross-Cultural Approaches to Adoption
ISBN 9780415303514 , 2004 , Fiona Bowie
Windows on the Cross
ISBN 9780232521153 , 1995 , Thomas A. Smail