Søk: 'Culture as Praxis'
Culture as Praxis
ISBN 9780761959892 , 1999 , Zygmunt Bauman
Culture as Praxis
ISBN 9780761959885 , 1998 , Zygmunt Bauman
Culture, Economy, Power: Anthropology As Critique, Anthropology As Praxis
ISBN 9780791452905 , 2002 , Lem, Winnie, Leach, Belinda
Contemporary Patterns of Politics, Praxis, and Culture
ISBN 9781412804684 , 2005 , Georgia Anne Persons
Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture
ISBN 9780415320924 , 2006 , Linda Hurcombe
The praxis
ISBN 9780743428972 , 2003 , Walter Jon Williams
After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology
ISBN 9780203450987 , 1997 , Allison James, Jennifer Lorna Hockey,m.fl.
Culture and schooling: building bridges between research, praxis and professionalism
ISBN 9780471897880 , 2000 , Elwyn Thomas
Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body
ISBN 9781446208953 , 2012 , Deborah Lupton
As Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction
ISBN 9780415455121 , 2008 , Peter Bennett, Jerry Slater, Andrew Beck
Enabling praxis: challenges for education
ISBN 9789087902544 , 2008
Creative Philosophy: Theory and Praxis
ISBN 9789780415426 , 2006
Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay : how Art Reprograms the World
ISBN 9780974568898 , 2005 , Nicolas Bourriaud, Caroline Schneider
Commedia dell'arte: geschichte, theorie, praxis
ISBN 9781571819017 , 1996 , Günter Berghaus
A Passion to Preserve: Gay Men As Keepers of Culture
ISBN 9780299196844 , 2005 , Will Fellows
Apologies to Thucydides: Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa
ISBN 9780226734002 , 2005 , Marshall David Sahlins
Theatre Praxis: Teaching Drama Through Practice
ISBN 9780333649961 , 1998 , Anthony Frost, Stephen Cockett, Dorinda Hulton,m.fl.
A passion to preserve: gay men as keepers of culture
ISBN 9780299196806 , 2004 , Will Fellows
Medicine as Culture: Illlness, Disease and the Body in Western Societies
ISBN 9780761940302 , 2003 , Deborah Lupton
Medicine as culture: illness, disease and the body in Western societies
ISBN 9780761940296 , 2003 , Deborah Lupton
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9781107611801 , 2012 , David Crystal
Consumer Culture
ISBN 9780745643304 , 2011 , Celia Lury
AS Physics
ISBN 9780007194919 , 2005 , Mike Bowen-Jones, Jayne de Courcy
Ethnography as Commentary
ISBN 9780822342830 , 2008 , Johannes Fabian
Understanding Digital Culture
ISBN 9781847874979 , 2011 , Vince Miller
Autoethnography as Method
ISBN 9781598741230 , 2008 , Heewon V. Chang
Autoethnography as Method
ISBN 9781598741223 , 2008 , Heewon V. Chang
Improving Working as Learning
ISBN 9780415496469 , 2009 , Alan Felstead, Alison Fuller, Nick Jewson,m.fl.
Business as Unusual
ISBN 9780954395957 , 2005 , Anita Roddick
Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture
ISBN 9780226098678 , 1977 , John G. Cawelti