Søk: 'Democracies and Dictatorships: Euorpe and the World 1919-1989'
Democracies and Dictatorships: Euorpe and the World 1919-1989
ISBN 9780521777971 , 2001 , Allan Todd
African World Histories: Africanizing Democracies
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Stalinism and Nazism: Dictatorships in Comparison
ISBN 9780521565219 , 1997 , Ian Kershaw, Moshe Lewin
Foundations of Comparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World
ISBN 9780521536202 , 2005 , Kenneth Newton, Ken Newton
The Versailles Settlement: Peacemaking After the First World War, 1919-1923
ISBN 9780333800775 , 2008 , Alan Sharp
Foundations Of Comparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World
ISBN 9780521829311 , 2005 , Kenneth Newton
Power and Contestation: India Since 1989
ISBN 9781842778159 , 2007
Challenges of Policing Democracies: A World Perspective
ISBN 9789057005589 , 2000 , Otwin Marenin, Dilip K. Das, Duncan Chappell
Comparing democracies 3 : elections and voting in the 21st century
ISBN 9781847875044 , 2010 , Pippa Norris, Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G Niemi
Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies
ISBN 9780199289189 , 2006 , Will Kymlicka, Keith G. Banting
Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies
ISBN 9780198297840 , 2003 , Kaare Strom, Torbjorn Bergman
European Dictatorships, 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454841 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989
ISBN 9780521716161 , 2010 , Sabrina P. Ramet
The European Dictatorships: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini
ISBN 9780521776059 , 2002 , David Smith, Allan Todd, Richard Brown
European dictatorships: 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454858 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Fascism, communism and the consolidation of democracy: a comparison of European dictatorships
ISBN 9783825896577 , 2007 , Gerhard Besier, Francesca Piombo,m.fl.
Equal democracies?: gender and politics in the Nordic countries
ISBN 9788200127994 , 1999 , Christina Bergqvist
Bauhaus: 1919-1933
ISBN 9783822821053 , 2002 , Magdalena Droste, Bauhaus-Archiv
The World Bank and Education
ISBN 9789460919015 , 2012 , Steven J Klees, Nelly P Stromquist
Managing Crises and De-Globalisation: Nordic Foreign Trade and Exchange 1919-1939
ISBN 9780203864456 , 2009
Managing Crises and De-Globalisation: Nordic Foreign Trade and Exchange, 1919-1939
ISBN 9780415561723 , 2009
The Self-restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies
ISBN 9781555877743 , 1999 , Marc F. Plattner, Andreas Schedler
Consolidating the Third Wave Democracies
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The Art and Archaeology of the Greek World
ISBN 9780500051665 , 2012 , Richard T. Neer
Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in Global Perspective
ISBN 9780803958364 , 1996 , Pippa Norris, Lawrence LeDuc, Richard Niemi
Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780415479608 , 2008
Europe Transformed, 1878-1919
ISBN 9780631213772 , 1999 , Norman Stone
English pronunciation and intonation: British, American and World Englishes
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Celts and the Classical world
ISBN 9780415150903 , 1996 , David Ivan Rankin, H. David Rankin
The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text Cases and Materials
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