Søk: 'Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies [With CDROM]'
Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780321205216 , 2004 , Inderjeet Singh, Sean Brydon, Greg Murray,m.fl.
J2EE Web Services. The Ultimate Guide: XML - SOAP - WSDL - UDDI - WS-1 - JAX-RPC - JAXR - SAAJ - JAXP
ISBN 9780321146182 , 2003 , Richard Monson-Haefel
Programming Web Applications with XML-RPC
ISBN 9780596001193 , 2001 , Edd Dumbill, Simon St.Laurent, Joe Johnston,m.fl.
Understanding Web Services: XML, WQSDL, SOAP and UDDI
ISBN 9780201750812 , 2002 , Eric Newcomer
Building Web Services With Java: Making Sense of Xml, Soap, Wsdl, and Uddi
ISBN 9780672326417 , 2004 , Glen Daniels, Douglas A. Davis, Yuichi Nakamura,m.fl.
Designing with Web Standards
ISBN 9780321616951 , 2009 , Jeffrey Zeldman, Ethan Marcotte
Professional Xml Web Services
ISBN 9781861005090 , 2001 , Chris Dix, Garry Damschen, Zaev Zoren,m.fl.
Designing With Web Standards
ISBN 9780735712010 , 2003 , Jeffrey Zeldman
An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies
ISBN 9780321269669 , 2006 , Michael Schwartzbach, Anders Moller
Designing with Web Standards, 2/e
ISBN 9780321385550 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Jeffrey Zeldman
Ajax: creating Web pages with asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ISBN 9780132272674 , 2007 , Edmond Woychowsky
Linux: Your Visual Blueprint to the Linux Platform [With CDROM]
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Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach with CDROM
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Learning Web Design with Adobe CS3: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash [With CDROM]
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Web Analytics: An Hour a Day [With CDROM]
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Biochemistry [With CDROM]
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Querying XML with Xquery
ISBN 9780387269337 , 2006
MCAD/MCSD XML Web Services and Server Components Development with Visual Basic.NET: Study Guide (exam 70-310)
ISBN 9780072226539 , 2003
Immunology with CDROM
ISBN 9780723431893 , 2001 , Jonathan Brostoff, Ivan Roitt, David Male
.Net Application Development: With C#, Asp.Net, Ado.Net, and Web Services
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Designing Multimedia and the Web
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Digital Design [With CDROM]
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Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain [With CDROM]
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Tidy's Physiotherapy [With CDROM]
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Human Nutrition [With CDROM]
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Core security patterns: best practices and strategies for J2EE, Web services, and identity management
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Microelectronic Circuits [With CDROM]
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Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [With CDROM]
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Designing for the Web
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